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Awarness Rally

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:50 pm
by trgeorge
Official announcment

Transcript of official announcment :
Fixerben wrote:A call has been sent out to all Clan Brothers and Sisters, on March 19th of this year 29479 there will be a Rally in Tir

All Clan aligned citizens are invited to a Rally to raise awareness of the Council of Truth! The event takes place March 19th, 29479 in Tir, outside the Happy Rebel bar. The Happy Rebel can be found in the North-Eastern corner of Tir, North from the Arena. For you Veterans, thats where the grid used to be before it was considered a high security risk.

The day will begin at 1PM EST/6PM GMT, with some speeches from prominent clan Citizens, as well as some Legacy clan leaders.

After the speeches there will be more rallying and drinks inside the Happy Rebel where all us Clan citizens can celebrate our freedom by dancing to tunes spun by Society of Sound and drinking the night away!

We look forward to seeing you there!

As you know, first rally (with Cogs being one of organizers) let to reopening of Council of Truth. Sadly I can't attend, but I hope some Cerberus members will find this event interesting enough to check it out.
((As said, it's ARK supported event. So you can chat with legacy leaders, just remember that they stay in character even in tells. Also if you pop there, bring me some suveiner :D))

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:44 pm
by Jasper2002
I have work, but will aim to be home at 6pm GMT/UTC for this.

Although not a veteran in terms of service, being only 14 months in game, and being a member of Cerberus for only 10 months, I have a legacy to behold and to be true to. I have replaced Cogs, who helped lead to the reopeneing of the CoT was my predecessor, and a Clan leader whome I aim to aspire to in terms of respect and capabilities, as the President of Cerberus, and I hope that my voice is heard and given as much due.

In term of the CoT, Cerberus has fallen behind, my fault admittedly, and a truth in itself. It will be rectified, and Cerberus will stand tall, and aid the Clans in all struggle in the times to come. For our comrades in these struggles who have fell by the way we offer our heartfelt apologies, internal matters held a greater priotity to offer a stable platform to provide outer support. It is now time for the voice of Cerberus to be heard again, and for us to stand proud in the CoT.

You can count on our resolve and support, we will not fail you and WE WILL SUCCEED! LONG LIVE THE CLANS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:02 pm
by Flameforge
For those of us who missed it, or were there and would like to reread, here are speeches given at the Rally: