A dive inside

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

A dive inside

Postby Cogs » Mon May 12, 2003 5:16 am

With Beethovens 9th symphony massaging his brain, a Vintage malt on the table, and a smoking cigar in hand...Cogs sat in his recliner that evening pondering the every day goings on. He thought of the clan MAmasboy and Felicity had so lovingly created....the clan he himself had assumed leadership of so many moons ago......he thought of friends departed, and he thought of present times. It was a grim picture, he concurred....Cogs sadly swallowed another sip of whiskey, and inhaled deeply on his cigar.
"What has become of us?".....he voiced the question out loud, just as the chorus of the last passage of the 9th set in. He had been thinking of this now for several days, and his conclusion ws not a happy one. He tried to compress his feeling into one word...greed...no one seem to care about the fight(read roleplay) anymore, and I myself have even become flat, and uninspired. He listened to a recording from his comms unit, specifically from the clan channel..."wow...I managed to grab 200k of loot this mission"....and so on and so on. No, not very inspiring times...not at all.
"Its a lonely job to be a leader with a dream...but I cant keep nagging anymore....maybe its time to just pack my bags...leave someone else in charge, let them have a go at it...and seek my dream elsewhere....I dunno" He heard himself say these words....but couldnt quite believe it..it was not him, but yet...yet...it was.

Beethoven played on, the crescendo was near, and Cogs poured himself another drink....
Silly ole bugger
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Postby Evillela » Mon May 12, 2003 6:02 am

Evillela sits in her apartment..thinking about Cogs and his little note..
She cant do anything but agree...it must be hard..must be lonesome..Being a leader in these times..

Evillela stands up and walks over to the frigde to get a cold Plumbo..
She sits down..listing to the tunes on GSP...

She thinks to her self..are i happy anymore?...she cant answer that..she is confused...dont know what to say or do..of the simple fact that all have seemed to involve one thing these days..Creds..and even more creds..'

Where are this world heading??

She sits down on her couch...bends her head down....and even wipes a tear from her cheek..
and whispers...
One day i hope it all turns...to the good old days..
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Postby Hyperion » Mon May 12, 2003 1:34 pm

When in doubt and fear, it is always wise to seek wisdom in the teachings of the Muir:

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike
The Yosemite (1912)

If you feel your physical body is fed, but your heart is starving, then you must act, my friend.
The Muir also speak of true freedom here:

Few in these hot, dim, strenuous times are quite sane or free; choked with care like clocks full of dust, laboriously doing so much good and making so much money -- or so little, they are no longer good for themselves
Our National Parks

If you feel you spirit is weighted down by your duties, you may consider shedding your cloak of worries and spread you wings more freely elsewhere.

My friend, leave your numerous worries as well as your trusty but noisy friend Wheels behind and seek answers an solitude and nature's beauty. The right decision will come to you.

On behalf of the Templars

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Postby Flameforge » Mon May 12, 2003 5:36 pm

Flame is walking through a dense, enveloping fog. Sometimes a lantern will shine, showing the way. Othertimes the thickness will part momentarily and a goal is sighted. Often he trundles along blindly.

In his hands his holds a small mirror; a little rusted on the metal frame, yet, to him, a bright, glittery object. When he peers into this, he does not see himself. Nah, he sees many people. People considered close friends and companions.

And as he is gazing, the mirror breaks, an individual reflected in each fragment, falling between his fingers.

In panic, he whips out super-glue and gaffer tape, snatches falling shards, attempting to stick them together. Yet some escape him, their twinkling light floating away.

Looking down, into the imcomplete mirror, he now sees himself: fractured, parts of him missing.
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Postby BigSwede » Tue May 13, 2003 1:13 am

Bigswede is sitting by the sea watching the movement of the water and its inhabitants. On his mind he has his family and friends, their whereabouts and lives. As he is sitting there some seabirds swim by out on the water, a group of birds together. He studies them with little interest, just resting his eyes while thinking. The group of birds seems to move around in a random pattern apparently looking for food. When they find some they dive in to feed alltogether. Then they move around again while squeeking.

Suddenly a bird lifts off the calm water causing havoc among the others. After just a few seconds the whole group is in the air flying in all directions seamingly for no reason at all. Then after a minute they again settle on the sea together.

Bigswede ponders about this a while, there by the sea. The daylight slowly disappears as the day becomes night. When the light finally is out and the night has come he returns to his own family where he belongs.
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