Something in red fur is sneaking around in the shadows, sniffing at towers, thinking...
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:44 am
by Renegader
At the top of the hills, there was this enormous creature, male or female ? who knows..
As he moves, this gigantic metal thing starts to shine.
Further down the hill he walked, there was this rock, never seen before, that crossed my path.
My foot got stuck under it, and as i stumble over it, my beam came smashing like the lightning, right in the back of my head!
Shaken i woke up, and saw this huge cut in my tank, damnit!
I looked back up, as i saw this fox..
Talk about good first impression, i mumbled to my self, as i scratched my head.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:55 am
by Necrophymm
/me is gunna catch da Fox
/me ponders a bit
/me sets up a boobies trap rigged w/ Red Ties swimwear, springs, and a pressure plate...
/me thinks shes clever ^^
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 10:28 am
by Foxferal
/me sneaks up on the device with that lovely Red Ties swimwear
/me snickers as it is obviously a trap
/me grabs the Red Ties swimwear
'Necrophymmic trap tries to catch you, but misses...'
/me was already in the next zone when the pressure plate reacted
/me laughs out loud
/me sneaks off with the Red Ties swimwear...
It takes a hella lot more to catch a fox, unless he wants to be caught...