As I think forward to my duties when this War is won, I can't help but ask myself . Are the Nuetrals to be considered innocent of Warcrimes.
This may seem to many of you like a odd question to ask, but let's look at the cold hard facts shall we.
Scenerio 1- A man takes a woman into a back alley and viciously rapes her. A man walked by sees the act and ignores it as if it is not happening.
Quiz- Is the man who observed it as guilty as the man who committed it.
Yes it is a tough call, the man observing it is indeed guilty, but to what degree.
Scenerio 2- A friend of your's knows another friend of his whom you are on unsettling terms with, this friend asks your Friend your whereabouts.
The freind who is your friend whom we will refer to as friend number 1, discloses this information even though he knows friend number 2 may not have the best intentions. Friend number 2, then proceeds to your home and throws a brick though the window, and pisses on your door mat. Later after discovering this, your friend comes by and asks for a plumbo and proceeds to act like nothing happened.
Quiz- Is said friend number 1 really your friend.
All sentimentality aside this guy is a backstabbing little bastard.
Scenerio 3- The nuetrals..Enough said.
Quiz- Can you ever truelly be nuetral.
Answer- Only if you live under a rock in Perpetual Wastes and live off of anun carcasses. The proportions of this War make it so your are either with the Clans completely or against them.
There fore as you Political Representative I am proposing after this conflict ends , we of course arrest all Omni-Tech employees as Warcriminals, and decide degrees of guilt based upon Crimes and fair trials ( except bartenders, that will have to be decided when the time comes)
But all nuetrals will be required to disband any organizations, and have their lands seized. This of course land seizing and disbanding will be compulsory for any Omnis regardless of determined guilt.
Afterward the nuetrals will be allowed to assume daily life again, but will not be allowed to assemble other than in a peaceful assemble, and will have to go though certain registeration procedures to obtain Firearms etc.
All Omnis of course will never been allowed to carry or own firearms, explosives or otherwise.
This of course is a rough draft, and we will need to make certain changes and omittions when the time comes. But please as your representative for a new Rubi-ka let me know your views.
Emil "Talen" Wagner, You Representative For A New Rubi-Ka