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Petition- Z-768 Security Issue 4 Xenomorphs

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:03 pm
by Talen
Within my travels, I have seen alot xenomorphs fanatics, medusas, These various Xenomorphs are grave security issues. After order is restored there very existance will keep the Clans from being able to utilize perhaps 20% of land available, this of course is unacceptable as well as ineffecient.
Yet there is one xenomorph which i have found to be the deadliest.
The babyface, yes species Infantile Facious. yes do not let the cute yet disturbing fetus face make you under estimate the danger of this breed.
As a example I was walking in southern foul hills minding my business when I was brutally beaten by a large babyface claiming to be a follow of the one, perhaps a pagan cult for fetus heads. All though I was able to negotiate with one upon my return, the other ones did not like the arrangements.
Then It happened...The Harbinger Of this so called One. A much bigger xenomorph of said species with a marginally cuter fetus face attacked me, the brutality. It was then I decided that a bit of genocide was in order, and at that I agian was brutalized...
I am pressing this petition, and will let you know my progress as I have conscripted several mercenary types from the Clans I have had previous dealing with to eliminate this problem, and to get to the bottom of this Cult Of ..this so called One. I was forced to do this conscripting. Yet as a sense of duty I possess I must notify you of my said Petition. Also I take a personal interest now after many times during the course of the previous day having been reconstructed after brutal assaults, Insuring the complete and utter destruction of this so called Cult Of The One.
Emil "Talen" Wagner, Political Studies Offices Independent Studies, And Xenomorph Extermination and Dissection, Disembowelment, Eternal Suffering, Flames Plasma Rifle Administered Castration.."Will be sorry you ever touched me you Fetus Faced Nimrod" Unit
Thank You, and I will Keep you Posted, Any Questions Contact me At my Offices Old Athens, During Business Hours 12:30 pm- 12:45 pm Saturdays