Extract From My Prologue

In-character discussions, stories, prose and poetry.

Extract From My Prologue

Postby Jpegg » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:37 am

Well, as we have a RP and IC forum here at RKFF, I might as well start to give tasters running up to the novel some of you know I'm working on. On and off, it's taken me a while but for once, I might as well put an extract from the prologue for you to see. Now dont blame me if its crappy, it still needs a lot of work yet but I have plenty of time. As some know, the title is 'Spawned Into Shadow' by Dillon 'Jpegg' Cavasos, it's a very dark, violent portrayal of Earth and Rubi-Ka in a time of struggle for both Omni-Tek and the clans. It isnt much so have a read and I hope it's ok......

Prologue Extract - Chapter 1, Sunrise

I loved this place, so familiair to me and comforting. Rolling hills as far as the eye could see and trees.. so many trees. One of the last true reserves earth held in these ever changing times of industrial growth. Being here had always given me the tranquility my own home could never offer and I returned to these fields as often as I could manage. Fond childhood memories and a passion for nature made this my place. I would only have wished the weather had been more forgiving on this day but as I crouched, the wind howled through the branches above me as if desperately trying to unroot and drag the trees from the very ground in which they sat. The creaking of bending branches, the hissing of leaves and the howling of the wind deafening me as I watched.

I crouched low beside the old oak tree, cold, knees bent, leaning slightly to my right to steady the balance as my eyes followed her. She strolled through the long grass in front of me without a care in the world. Slow and confident.. enjoying the surroundings and taking in the air as the wind billowed across the grass at her feet, pushing her clothing out around her and catching her hair as it passed. She looked beautiful and I crouched for a time taken in by my own thoughts and the fond memories I used to have of this place.

I blinked quickly and focussed. It was time now and I glanced upward, across the wide open space ahead. Shifting myself more to push my weight into the solid, cold treetrunk, I raised my equipment and quietly positioned the scope across my left eye with the flick of a fingertip. Slowly and carefully holding the base out in front and focussing with my eyes on figure before me. No longer did I watch how gracefully she moved... no longer did I let the view and the picture fill my thoughts. I remained still, as cold as stone and watched... the only sound I heard now was that of my own heartbeat. My breathing steady, my body silent and still. As naturally as it always had been, my body began to move in rythm with my target's steps, keeping the targetting marker in place, my breathing timed to perfection. Any second now, any second now I told myself and at that moment... my world was still and empty... I pushed the panel with a click.

She turned around, looked at me and raised her hand to wave, I raised my head into view and smiled at her happily. 'Perfect!' I shouted and rose to my feet to show her the image I'd captured. I was proud of it, hell, my own news bulletin would have been proud had this been part of the job but deep down, I knew... The true shots, the images to truly value only came when the enjoyment was there. Timing and pressure somehow took the edge off a perfect take but that was what my work was all about.
Last edited by Jpegg on Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Flameforge » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:47 am

That is excellent, Jpegg!
Look forward to more.
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Postby Cogs » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:54 am

What an apetizer, m8...great :D!
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Postby Bluelotuss » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:58 am

:P you fooled me...and did a good job doing it. I really like it...more, more!!
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Postby Freuty » Fri Aug 29, 2003 4:10 am

Wahey! Nice intro m8 :D u've been promising us for so long... u didn't dissapoint... /me starts call for MORE!
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