since it doesnt look like i'll be getting any nippys anytime soon i guess im gonna go for the sancrosanct weapons instead
Grey Glyph of Aban-Shere (donno if it has to be a certain QL or not to insert in a weapon, know it didnt need to be before)
Sancrosanct Stiletto QL160ish
Turn Spirit of An-Bathel the Artful (think they need to be 20% of the stiletto so lets say QL145+ then to be sure)
i'll ofcourse pay for everything
115 - Turn Spirit of An-Bathel the Artful - Clan Shade
->192 - Turn Spirit of An-Bathel the Artful - Clan Shade <-
213 - Turn Spirit of an-bathel the artful - Clan shade
255 - Turn Spirit of An-bathel the Artful - Clan Shade
262 - Turn Spirit of An-Bathel the Artful - Clan Shade
Those are the clan shade TS QL's that are buyable from Yutto's ... or these are the once i could dig up atm... so i guess im after the ql 192 since i 115 is to low..can i use higher TS's on a weapon or is it 20% +/- ?