As new Equipment Wench(tm) I'd like to open my bank up for guild storage. If you have anything you want to get rid of or can't use, and you don't want to deal with it, give it to me and I'll pass it along to someone who can. Also, if there's something in particular that you're *really* looking for, let me know--I sometimes scour the clan shopping channel and can pick it up for you. If you have any younger friends who're just joining the clan efforts on Rubi-Ka and need equipment, let me know their class/race in advance so I can look for low QL equipment for them. ((OOC: That's mostly for if you're starting a new character who's also going to be in the guild. BTW, if you're interested in starting an engineer...I don't think we have one, and I know I have lots of lower level engineer nanocrystals, and others may have them too.))
If you need implants/clusters ql ~20-45 see me, I have bags of them.
Note: I reserve the right to dump anything you hand me that I think is useless. I'm *not* cluttering the bank with clusters of cold projection and QL5 pills.