Patterns Bot

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Patterns Bot

Postby Speedmonk » Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:40 am

Hi All!

I've started coding a simple blueprint's Patterns Exchange Bot.

It allows you to see who has that pattern you need, and keep a coherent list of your own patterns.

The bot is called "Patbot".

Its almost finished its basic functions, which are:

/tell patbot patterns add <drop_pattern_here>
Add a pattern you have to the bot. It allows to do multiple adds in a single tell (don't have a limit, but works with a full bag of patterns). Teorically it does not need spaces in-between the patterns, but Foesmite reported that sometimes don't work (*will check soon*)

/tell patbot patterns del <drop_pattern_here>
Delete a pattern you have in the bot. It allows to do multiple deletes in a single tell. Its very important to delete patterns before combining or giving to other users. If you accidentally combined/gived/deleted, there will be an option in the listings to delete yours with a single click (that link does not appear yet)

/tell patbot patterns list
Lists all your patterns that patbot has. Listings will be sorted and grouped by boss, and then patterns with a quick link to see which users have a that specific pattern.

/tell patbot patterns list all
Lists all patterns that patbot has.

/tell patbot patterns list <user_name>
Lists all patterns that <user_name> has on patbot.

/tell patbot patterns find <search_string>
Finds a string in all patterns and list wich users have it. (also works search and items as command in place of find)

ATM I think we shall keep that bot for Guild usage only and a few good known friends (it has no guild restriction yet), and make it more public if we decide to in the future.

Everybody feel free to send sugestions, comments, critics and to add all your patterns into the bot! =)

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Postby Smacdevil » Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:43 am

Wow.. I'm impressed!! I'd love to get rid of some patterns this way, instead of having to search my bank all the time.
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Postby Jasper2002 » Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:24 am

Awesome Doc, sorry we thought the idea would be tough to achieve and therefore put it down a bit.

Patent it and get it available for all as soon as you can and you will be famous across SL :)
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Postby Speedmonk » Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:54 am

Jasper2002 wrote:Awesome Doc, sorry we thought the idea would be tough to achieve and therefore put it down a bit.

Patent it and get it available for all as soon as you can and you will be famous across SL :)

heheh =) no need to be famous =) As long as somebody puts more toss patterns there =)

I've added some pagination now on listings (includes part of the name from the boss so you get an idea where it goes the page), otherwise answer gets a bit slow.

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Postby Gearsoul » Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:39 am

DocG...awesome job with the Patbot! On behalf of all us Cerbies I'd just like to say:

:D/ :D/ :D/ :lol: :lol: :D THANK YOU :D :lol: :lol: :D/ :D/ :D/

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Postby Smacdevil » Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:24 am

Got a constructive suggestion (I know you like those):

It would be immensely quicker to add patterns if we didn't have to use the "patterns add" command - why not simply open chat dialogue with Patbot and dump every pattern directly into tell? I figure it could work, since helpbot does it that way.
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Postby Speedmonk » Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:32 am

Smacdevil wrote:Got a constructive suggestion (I know you like those):

It would be immensely quicker to add patterns if we didn't have to use the "patterns add" command - why not simply open chat dialogue with Patbot and dump every pattern directly into tell? I figure it could work, since helpbot does it that way.


I thinked on removing the "patterns" command at all, and just use the "/tell patbot add ...", but that about not even having to put the "add" when adding sounds wonderful to me. I'll update it really soon =)

Thanks for the comment!
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