NCU memory problem

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NCU memory problem

Postby darkmistress » Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:13 pm

Hi guys,
I've managed to reach level 145 but have run into a slight problem... NCU
I'm currently using QL124's I bought from the shop but can't even self buff anymore unless I'm lucky enough to bump into a fixer.
I can't afford to buy the NCU as player prices start from 1.5 mil per chip and they don't seem to be rollable in missions anymore. I left clicksaver running for about a 100 tries today and no luck.
So if anyone can help me out I would be eternally grateful and I would of course return them as soon as I can afford replacements.
Thanks for reading
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Postby HealerKat » Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:43 pm

Hehe I belive LQ can help you out. She got about 3 BP's pf NCU's. Hope i got any you can use. Will contact you later tonite.

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Postby Smacdevil » Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:09 am

I bet have I some QL 180-190'ish lying around, let me know if you can't find HK/LQ online :)
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Postby Dajjal » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:39 am

YEah, i guess same things i wrote for 125+ empty implants goes for NCUs too. Even you have enuf money it is really difficult to find someone selling them. We may form a NCU bank maybe? I am up for it.

(for 34+ ncus ofc)
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Postby pakse » Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:05 pm

I have several 50 NCU laying around. At least what I know so please ask me ingame. I will be more than happy to contribute you know.

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Postby Dajjal » Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:00 pm

Thanks a bunch Pakse, i had 5x50ish NCUs from Kaheli and they r pretty good for me atm. And for everyone to know now i have 6 x 30ish NCUs. Plz feel free to get them.
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Postby Superfreakeh » Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:10 pm

I may have some lying around in a bank or something. I should have a couple of 64's somewhere since I replaced them with viral. I'll let you know once I'm back.
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Postby Saudonan » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:38 pm

btw. They were still blitzable relatively recently but low rate - you need to run clicksaver for 1000s
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Re: NCU memory problem

Postby Loria14 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:34 am

Installing Memory chips into belt are basic way to increase your NCU memory space to store buffs in. A character can have up to six NCU chips installed, depending how many slots their belt computer allows. There are other items that add bonuses that can be installed in a deck slot as well.
Low QL chips are buyable at stores (Tools shop). QL over 125 can be found only as a mission loot.
Standard Chips
These chips are commonly found or bought in stores. Qls after 125 must be found in missions or purchased from other players.
Standard NCU Chip

Standard NCU chips simply increase the amount of total NCU space you have available and nothing else.
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