I wanted to post this over here also to help my RKFF brother and sisters that want to make guns. A few days ago I teamed with an NT from RKFF. He gave me a Weapon Receptacle, Pepper Pistol. At the time I had no idea what it was until now. Below is a post about how to make good weapons from weapon receptacles. BTW, if that NT can contace me ingame I have a pepper pistol for him.
Weapon Receptacles
Last night I found a pepper pistol weapon receptical. With the assistance of Nisreen, the receptical was hacked only to find an "Unfinished Pepper Pistol". Some research today revield how to finish these weapons. Thought you guys would like the info.
me and some of the Engineers on the engy forum, compiled a list of all the new weapon receptacles, and how to finish them. (i started the post on the engy board, to give us first dibs on the market , but now it's your turn)
+Step one (for ALL receptacles)
- Hack it with a hacker tool. this will give you an "Unfinished weapon"
+Step 2: add the prescribed component to the unfinished weapon to complete it.
-Unfinished IMI Tellus TT- add a "Flake tubing supercoolant system" to it.
-Unfinished Sol Chirons System- (awesome gun for fixers) add an "Energy pack interface" to it.
-Unfinished HSR Explorer 661- (adv only weapon)- add a "Generic magnetic propulsion system" to it. (not really worth it.. this gun is lame)
-Unfinished Pepper Pistol- add a "Nano Pylon" to it.
-Unfinished Alaskri Chemical Rifle-(VERY AWESOME weapon for agents)- add a "Self repairing ultra-x" to it.
-Unfinished Summer SMP- there are 4 different guns you can make with this:
-+++-Shotgun Version-(reqs SMG/Shotgun)- add a "Shells Magazine"
-+++-Flingshot version-( /yaaahhhnn. lame weapon)- add a "Rapid reload and fire gyro"
-+++-Burst version-(hmm not bad)-add a "Triple Pulse Enabler"
-+++-Full Auto version-(havn't actually made this one yet)- add a "Gyro Stabalizing Unit"
sidenote:all of the parts to complete these guns are sold in shops, and are available at ALL qls.
list compiled by: Ethic/Trosida/Shex/and myself