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Grey Glyph Of Shere

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:26 am
by Jpegg
I have a sacrosant rifle at Q190 which I wanna shove AS onto. What Q Grey Glyph do I have to combine with this and also does anyone out there happen to have one lying around which I could possibly use?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:53 am
by Gearsoul
You need a Grey Glyph of Shere to give is AS, Jpegg. I would also assume that a QL 190 of these would work. *snicker*
Honestly, though, I have no idea what the QL range is. Checked a few sites and nada. Just says what skills joo need...and they are HIGH.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:54 am
by Jpegg
oops, Enel, Shere, same words just different letters.

Thanks for the info Gear :)))

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:07 am
by Gearsoul
Sure thing, Jpegg. Now get back to work. :P


PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:08 am
by Jpegg
I am working..... I get paid good money to talk to j0000 and all the other loonies on here ;)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:10 am
by Gearsoul
LOL! Cute.

I think I'm going to go take a shower now since I just got home from work. Then, I will work out some math for new QL implants for Brazen1. FInally, I will veg in front of the TV until I feel tired enough to go to sleep...cuz the servers will STILL be down.
See ya, JP. :D


PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 3:13 am
by Jpegg
Still lookin for one of these beauties if anyone has one at high Q.