Nano cleaning!

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Nano cleaning!

Postby Renegader » Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:02 am

Want to get rid of some nanos:

*updated a bit*

QL 47 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Sparking Touch)
QL 93 NanoCrystal (Fangs of the Snake)
QL 99 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Nest of Vipers)
QL 109 NanoCrystal (Cyclic Magma Coating)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Nature's Blessing)
QL 179 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Fur)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque)
QL 182 NanoCrystal (Kin of Tarasque)

QL 149 NanoCrystal (Path of The Executioner)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Meld With Background)

QL 80 Nano Crystal (Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf)
QL 146 Nano Crystal (Faithful Minion)
QL 174 NanoCrystal (Subpoena for Freedom)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Total Musculature Command)
QL 189 Nano Crystal (Displace Thought Patterns)

QL 100 Nano Crystal (Mutagenic Venom)
QL 132 Nano Crystal (Enhanced Health Surge)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Rapid Palsy)
QL 182 Nano Crystal (Life Channeler)
QL 185 Nano Crystal (Alpha & Omega)

QL 113 Nano Crystal (Physical Dominance)
QL 129 NanoCrystal (Talon of the Roc)
QL 152 Nano Crystal (Essence of Behemoth)
QL 174 NanoCrystal (Talon of the Dragon)

QL 76 Nano Crystal (Eletrical Engineering Knowledge)
QL 84 NanoCrystal (Polarized Screening)
QL 156 Nano Crystal (Military-Grade Warbot)
QL 163 Nano Crystal (Sympathetic Force Field)

QL 106 NanoCrystal (Supreme Suppressor)
QL 136 NanoCrystal (Spray With Lead)
QL 146 NanoCrystal (Cellular Crashcart)
QL 156 NanoCrystal (Shower With Lead)
QL 169 NanoCrystal (Frenzy of Shells)

QL 50 Nano Crystal (Fury)
QL 141 Nano Crystal (Enervate Shackles)
QL 194 Nano Crystal (Enervate Imprisonment)
QL 196 Nano Crystal (Fervor of the Zealot)

Martial Artist
QL 47 Nano Crystal (Fake Out)

QL 120 NanoCrystal (Modulate Manifestation)
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Superior Enmity Personification)
QL 176 Nano Crystal (Summoning of Balbuto the Gibberer)
QL 177 Nano Crystal (Evocation of Pure Malevolence)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Evocation of The Abomination)

QL 80 NanoCrystal (Enfraam's Toolkit)
QL 145 NanoCrystal (Fluctuate Gridspace)
QL 145 NanoCrystal (Fluctuate Gridspace)
QL 159 Nano Crystal (Team Fold Time and Space: Tir)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Tremor)

QL 61 Nano Crystal (Primitive Dissipation)
QL 180 Nano Crystal (Shuffle of the Rogue)
QL 188 Nano Crystal (Prowler)
QL 195 Nano Crystal (Duplex Wall)
QL 200 Nano Crystal (Kiss of the Vampire)

QL 132 Nano Crystal (Greater Reflective Field (Extended))
QL 140 NanoCrystal (Metal Strike) - Reserved to Mamasboy
QL 142 Nano Crystal (Reactive Reflective Field (Extended))

QL 123 Nano Crystal (Plunder Skills (Minor))
QL 162 Nano Crystal (Major Health Plunder)
QL 175 Nano Crystal (Redeem AC (Greater))

Regards Renegader
Last edited by Renegader on Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:38 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Cogs » Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:22 am

Rene, I think Mamasboy would love that Metal Strike nano, m8 :D!
Silly ole bugger
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Postby Misjkin » Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:11 pm

I would love to get my hands on all the adv nanos between ql 126 -172 :D :D :D If nobody else also has need for them
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Postby Auropia » Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:12 pm

Leral would love the crat ones ;)
Squad commander- Ancarim Iron Legion

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