Ordoz's stuff

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Ordoz's stuff

Postby Ordoz » Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:25 am

well, have some stuff lying around in my bank which just collect some dust.

dunno how much it is but gonna try do helpbot inventory links to it.

I do know that I have crat forms for briefcases. for u crats who are about to hit tl4 ;) its invaluable when u forgot to pick out that thing and u just can rightclick on it :D so sweet. the dmg are not to be spoken of, one thing is for sure, it isnt a samsonite tho, if it would have been, we would have been hitting for 4k dmg / hit easily :p :D

got some novictums for various professions

nano crystals and ID discs.

- ordoz
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:42 am

Postby Smacdevil » Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:53 am

Very nice of you to offer :)

I think the only nano I'm looking for atm is Mocham's TS, will have to check ingame though. Otherwise... Plastic Novictums I think (need 7), I have a few of other types for trade if you wanna complete sets or something.
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