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*Whistles the Indiana Jones theme song*

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 4:57 am
by Quo Vadis
:-'' :-'' :-'' :-'' :-''


Oki, I wanna know somefin' ... I'm like going nuts ... I wanna go for the Tier 2 armor but my widdle bwain says NO cause it's gives me a headache every time I think about it... So yeh, does anyone know if there's good armor out there for mp's? Personally I'd like pink armor... to match my shoes... BUT THERE'S NONE!! So anywhober, yeh, *plays with shoe-laces* ... ... ... ... ... ...

:shock: OH YEH! Forgot I was typing lol!! :shock:

So uh... yeh, does anyone know or can anyone help me find a temp armor till I hit like 200 or somefin'? Cause I'm screaming for a little AC on poor widdle meh.

And yeh I can't wait to get Spec 3... I was teaming for like 2 hours the other day and didn't get 1 single book... which sorta sux just a wee bit... cause I got Biazu but can't use it... *cries forever* ... *plays with shoe-laces* ... ... ... ...


So yeh :D any hewp would be like the best!!! LOVE YOU!!!

:-'' :-'' :-'' :-'' :-''

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 5:30 am
by Jpegg
Well... hmmm.... you got the exterminator armour i gave you. I cant remember the Q of that set but if you've outgrown it, I got higher and it is good armour :))

You got your Tier 1 yet?

And.... well, anything else, gimme a shout in game sweetie :)

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:03 am
by trgeorge
Hmmm...missing :))) option of pool

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:08 am
by Quo Vadis
:D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/
:-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-'' :D/ :-''

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:21 am
by Quo Vadis
I didn't really mean


But I meant

"What is really good armor for MP's that don't wanna deal with the headache of Tier armor till lvl 200"

But if yer offering :D/ WOOT :roll: WOOT :D/


Bai bai

<3 Yaz

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:31 pm
by Flameforge
What if someone doesn't mind beef but likes peanut butter more? I didn't see that vote option.

We could suit you up in CAS and slap on a coat of Flouro Pink Yalmaha paint 8)

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:44 am
by Quo Vadis
What do you guys think about this?

Azure Reveries

I think it looks really cool along with

DeValos Sleaves

But yeh... I suck at choosing good armor to wear. What do you think? In yer honest opinion, what should a Nano-Mage Meta-Physicist wear?

Bai bai !! :D/ :-'' :D/ *dances*

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:57 am
by Jasper2002
I have a couple of De'Valos sleeves that I am wearing atm, and they really are good, cheap too now.

I would say that you need to pick your areas that you need to buff the most and get the right armor for those slots.

Check and chose the attribute you want to buff and you will get a list of armor, items and perks etc that work.

Right now, for example, I am wearing a Fadinaways Harmonic Circlet for the Matter Metamorphosis buff

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:36 am
by furyangel
Merlin armour if ya can get it - massive HP boost, looks nice and is all round fab! People have gotten this on at level 150! But not knowing what level you are....

Anyway some pieces of Superior Sentinel can be ok for us MPs too if you can be bothered with the Eel campage required. Tier 2 is just a pain because of the Embryos, Pen Catacombs are a dangerous place :(

DeValos are a nice idea... great nanoskill boost for shorting the rez time needed before recasting pets.

p.s. Hi to Clericon and MPs ROCK!

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:15 pm
by Jpegg
hehe didnt see the P.S. ;)

Heya mate and yes !!! MP's rock ;)

How's it goin Angel, my good friend?