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WTB all this stuff :D/

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:22 am
by Quo Vadis
First off, I'd really really love to buy these, so if anyone has spare... Sell me? Peeze? :lol:
BTW... Is there a way I can post items faster then having to click on the link in, copying the link, putting in the post, then copying the name, putting it in the post, in the meantime making sure I typed url=link and /url ... etc ...

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 1:51 am
by trgeorge
Checked for de'valos sleeve. Unfortunatly I don't have it anymore. As for links...well it works, but only after you already have stuff. Just checked 3th stcky here (links to aodb).

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:43 am
by Quo Vadis
The reason why I can't get the De'Valos sleeves is that I can hardly get on the game anymore, like maybe 1 - 2 hours MAX because of new bebeh Kolin!! :D But yeah, it seems all I've been doing is logging on, looking for a couple things, and logging off... which is fun cause I get to speak to everyone, but yeh, I'd like to sink my teeth in some action for once!! :P WOOT!!