charity for a forgoten main:)

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charity for a forgoten main:)

Postby buzzed » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:05 pm

i stole sooooo much from buzzed to twink croney i can't do sqat w/ buzzed now. if ne1 has any old inf symbs they cood do w/o lemme know. i will return l8r. i have syms for buzzed but i need to lvl him more b4 they will go in :( so u may see alot more of my neglected ma in the comming weeks:) took his money too and spent it all hehehe
gonna take a lil bit to build him back up and if any1 has any thing that might help even a lil i wood lub u 4ever. all symbs wood be returned asweel upon me getting newer ones in so not charity i guess but a loan :)
c u on rk.
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Postby Smacdevil » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:03 pm

I might have a couple, but what QL is max you can equip?
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Postby buzzed » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:28 pm

i am this close ( ll ) to putting in living symbs so what ever ql below that is that is what i can equip. i forget what ql and name that is.
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Postby Smacdevil » Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:25 pm

Agh, then what I have is too low unless you need a QL 160 Working Left Wrist?

Also got a Persisting Right Arm QL 220.
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Postby buzzed » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:34 pm

i think i have a living r arm and feet and a persisting one a vigorous one , etc.... i just can't get thenm in yet, i just need something to fill the spot so i am not soo gimp. a ql 165 mob pwned me the other day and i just can't afford to go buying symbs so that ql 160 wood be fine, i might even have some of those on croney i cood use that he grew out of. but i need to get something on him cuz missing 5 symbs is just to many to not have to many important things to be w/o. better to have lil ones than none in the spot :) i wood look in better detail at what i need but :( i am triing to patch on dial-up atm and it is taking for ever:(
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