Chest syms

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Chest syms

Postby DoctorLeo » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:47 pm

From the key quest I looted Cognizant Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
X3. Looked on gms worth only 3-5m. Any one of you are welcome to them. From looks on gms really easy to get with prices ranging from 2.5m to 70m (good luck to that shop) So I am going to donate the 7.5m to org and try to sell myself. before I put in shop... tell me if you want any or all of them. I also have some novictum from raid, but put that into my Later Key pack, for the next group trying for Inf Key.

Leo... Still out on the Prairie... but can now go to Inferno anytime I want to!!!!!
Out on the Prairie hiding from Tornadoes. Don't need to meet Dorothy today and I dont trust the Wizard.
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