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Sun Nov 25, 2001 10:39 am
by Blade
If you find any cool tattoos, especially leg ones (if they exist) please buy them for me..
/Bladey (Engineer)
Sun Nov 25, 2001 2:31 pm
by Izubuchi
Hi, I got a tatoo for the arms I don't need.
You may have it if you wan't.
Mon Dec 31, 2001 4:51 pm
by Guest
Does anyone have anymore? Dess is really looking for some and would like some tribal tats (if there are any in the game) so could ya let me know? Thanks!
Mon Dec 31, 2001 4:52 pm
by Guest
Oops! Double posting! hehe So um, I'll shut up and let you all get back to what you were, yeah...yeah..hehe
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Admantia on 2002-01-01 01:55 ]</font>
Tue Jan 01, 2002 7:33 am
by Izubuchi
I got what you are looking for
Wed Jan 02, 2002 9:19 pm
by Guest
Thanks Izu! Next time we're on at the same time can I get it from you? I really appreciate you responding..thanks!
Thu Jan 03, 2002 4:12 am
by Izubuchi
Sure, no problem. But it's my character coldraven who got it. Not izu.
Sat Jan 05, 2002 9:31 am
by Felicity
I got a few on one of my chars too.. body tatoos.. Was thinking of starting a collection, but then I thought "for what use?" so I skipped it..
Thu Jan 10, 2002 6:40 am
by Wirecutter
I have some tattos aswell (arms- body front and back) got severals just gimme me a tell if interested