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Mac gaming yaaay!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:32 am
by Iambubba
So i was one of those fools that sold his perfectly good imac g5 and bought a intel mac.

'All your old games will run under Rosetta!'

No, no they wont. UT2004 ran at min detail min res at about 5 fps...

Until last week. Universal Binary came out. 1650x1080 max detail 80fps. Life is good once again.

Sadly it does that weird thing with graphics that Project IGI and No One Lifes Forever on the PC did, i get violently ill for a good hour after playing.

Yesteray WoW released a universal binary patch.. Uh oh :)

Max res, max detail, its pretty :)

So Im on right now with 10 day guest pass and might decide to give it 3 months. MIGHT...

Someone made major progress last night getting Darwine working on the intel macs. Darwine being the Mac version of Wine, the program that lets people play AO in linux. Im really hoping in a few weeks time I'll be able to ditch my PC entirely and join you folks in all the game worlds from my mac.

Think Different!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:48 pm
by Kid
I get very sick also when playing some 3d FPS games. I've played Half life 2 for about 3 hours in total as it makes me feel so ill that I have to sleep for a few hours to feel ok again.

People say its motion sickness, but I doubt it since other 3d games don't bother me. I'd give a big fuzzy warm hug to anyone who could figure out how to prevent the horrible ill feelings.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:32 pm
by Flameforge
That's quite impressive with the Mac. They're making some good moves I reckon.

Macs for modern gaming - who woulda though? 8)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:12 pm
by Iambubba
Kid wrote:I get very sick also when playing some 3d FPS games. I've played Half life 2 for about 3 hours in total as it makes me feel so ill that I have to sleep for a few hours to feel ok again.

People say its motion sickness, but I doubt it since other 3d games don't bother me. I'd give a big fuzzy warm hug to anyone who could figure out how to prevent the horrible ill feelings.

From what ive read about HL2 - This issue is due to your field of view. In most FPS games, you have a 90 degree FOV. In HL2, the default FOV is 70 degrees.. Dont ask me why..

I changed mine to 90 in HL2 and didnt have any problems.

Now, all this is speculation. It makes sense to me personally, and seems to help. Now with UT2k4 on the mac, the FOV is 90, but because im running widescreen, perhaps its scaling weird and messing with my brain. Will have to investigate this further.

- Discussion of HL2 and illness: ... &sid=20871

Now about that fuzzy warm hug?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:19 pm
by Kid
Iambubba wrote:
Kid wrote:I get very sick also when playing some 3d FPS games. I've played Half life 2 for about 3 hours in total as it makes me feel so ill that I have to sleep for a few hours to feel ok again.

People say its motion sickness, but I doubt it since other 3d games don't bother me. I'd give a big fuzzy warm hug to anyone who could figure out how to prevent the horrible ill feelings.

From what ive read about HL2 - This issue is due to your field of view. In most FPS games, you have a 90 degree FOV. In HL2, the default FOV is 70 degrees.. Dont ask me why..

I changed mine to 90 in HL2 and didnt have any problems.

Now, all this is speculation. It makes sense to me personally, and seems to help. Now with UT2k4 on the mac, the FOV is 90, but because im running widescreen, perhaps its scaling weird and messing with my brain. Will have to investigate this further.

- Discussion of HL2 and illness: ... &sid=20871

Now about that fuzzy warm hug?

Wow. thanks Bubba. I'll give that a shot.

Eh, can't believe Bubba was actually helpful. All those rumors must not be true.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:56 pm
by Jasper2002
Intel based Mac gaming just became a true reality, check out this

Now you can get all the same viruses (virii?), malware, adware and all the assorted crap that Windblows users have had to put up with for years :)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:52 pm
by Shortcirkut
Only problem I seem to get with very few games is my eyes hurt to the point where I can berly pay attention when playing some games just for maybe an hour or so. Diablo 2 is probably the most common for that to happen to me...Stopped playing that a long time ago. But that still pretty rare to happen, and it's odd because you may think it's because of all the colors, but I play games like Windwaker just fine...I think it's a PC+Colorful stuff thing.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:14 pm
by Kid
HL2 still makes me ill. Tried the changing the field of view to different values, but it's the same.

Wish someone would do some serious research into this, as I know alot of people suffer from it.