
Haven to discuss other worlds than that of Rubi-Ka & Hyboria.


Postby Selavi » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:28 pm

What can I say....how about OMFG. So far it looks like one of the best RPG's I have ever installed and played. It is not so much of a question of what you can do in this game, as of what you can't. Only thing bugging me, is my machine, wich sadly isnt quite up to the job. But can still play, just need to be patient. So...guess Ill be playing this until my eyes bleed :P

I was treading along in the starter dungeon, wich also works as a small tutorial to let you learn some of the commands, aswell as battle and opening chests/picking locks. Once I found a bow, I was told to fire an arrow at a bucket hanging on a rope over a well. So I aimed, fired and hit the bucket, wich startet to swing back and forth a little from the impact. Pretty cool I thought. But then I walked over to pull my arrow out, and noticed how the bucket was tilted slightly form the weight of the arrow imbedded in it. Once the arrow was pulled out and back in my inventory, the bucket swung back to its original position. You know your in for a treat, when they pay this much attention to details. :D
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Postby Shortcirkut » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:54 pm

Yeah, I've been looking forward to Oblivion ever since Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Though they hadn't announced it yet obviously, but the sequal in general). Too bad I don't have an Xbox360, or else I'd get it, but I don't have the money to get the 360 and oblivion (Like about $460 x_x). And yes I know it's on PC but my computer wouldn't be able to run it at all that well, and for some reason I enjoyed Morrowind more on the Xbox so It'd probably be the same for Oblivion.

Well, maybe when there's a price drop *shrug*. Anyway, have fun with that :).
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Postby Flameforge » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:37 pm

Is Oblivion better than Morrowind?

Although it can be nice to have these "open-ended" game worlds where you can do whatever you like, I really found Morrowind's lack of initial direction annoying. I was new with no skills and was meant to know how to get to Village XXX so I ran off along a boring path -- oh a cave, let's have a look... as soon as I entered got splatted by a ghost or something. Also found the controls somewhat clunky...

By the sounds of it though, at least they've added a tutorial type section to help! :P
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Postby Selavi » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:51 pm

I havent played Oblivion for more than a few hours, but yes. its better than Morrowind. There are so many other improvments than graphics, that I cant remember them all. They reintroduced "click on map to fasttravel" from Daggerfall, wich I think made Morrowind lose its appeal to me, as I hate the "run fetch" type quests wich span across several playzones. They make you run for half an hour, and the reward aint that good.

They also simplified combat a whole lot. Now you can fire off spell without taking off weapons. Just press C, and you will fire off a spell thats been made ready. You need to block manually tho, but since its on the right mousebutton, it isnt all that much of a biggy.

NPC's now got a 24/7 AI. This means that no matter what your own actions are, they will go about daily business, like talking to eachother, steal, eat, sleep, work and wander about. I had to wake the innkeeper inn some town to get a room for the night, and he wasnt to pleased (you can see it on the facial expression wheter they like you or not).

With a powerfull PC, I doubt you find a game today with better eyecandy. Travel to a near mountaintop, and you can see for miles, even small hamlets or the spears of a great castle. Since I need to run with pretty low resolution and charachter view range, I have a hard time spotting critters before they are on top of me. But with I reckon those can be spottet from afar aswell if you got the proper juice in your PC.

As in Morrowind, you can undertake a number of quests at the same time. But now you can manually chose wich one you will make your "main" quest. This quest will have waypoint show up on your compass and map, giving easy information as to where to go next, also who to visit once the quest is done.

There are still a few matters that I dislike in Oblivion, as in Morrowind. One is that you cant realy determine the difficulty level of the region your in vs level of your toon. But I guess you find that out soon enough. And also I dislike it when you are on a quest and you get aid from other NPC's. It makes battle pretty difficult, as you tend to be hitting your brothers in arms when close combat ensues. I had a quest for the fighters guild to deliver weapons to a mine. once there, the quest changed from simple run and deliver, to join forces with the people there to rid the mine of goblins. The other guys ran off in several different directions and one got himself killed. Wich the master of fighters guild didnt like all that much. I followed one of them, but he kept getting between myself and the mobs most of the time, and I think I hit him aswell when he got in the way. But adds to realism I guess. Good thing I didnt use my fireball :P
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Postby Kehaan » Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:22 pm


HEhe have just read it and one word.... I CANT W8!!! :D

I will get the colectors edition tomorrow to my Xbox 360 :D The xbox can run the game on all full grafich and all that :D Hmm i am just amazed :D

Hmm so if i am not in AO in the weekend you all know why :D

Take care and GL :)

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Postby Volais » Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:23 pm

*Huggles Collectors edition of Oblivion for PC*

*looks at Game rack*

*Huggles Morrowind, Bloodmoon, Tribunal, Daggerfall and arena*

Elder Scrolls ftw
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Postby Shinali » Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:29 am

I have a little problem and if anyone have played the quest plz gimme some info. At Chorral castle a painting has gone missing. Ive talked with all the persons involved and found "strange painting" from west tower and painting tools from mages quarters but still need to find more physical clues. Have searched the whole castle two or three times but nada. Where or what are the rest of the clues? :?
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:28 pm

It was Colonel Mustard with the easel in the library.

Okay, sorry, I don't have a clue... :wink:
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Postby Selavi » Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:34 pm

All I know is that I had to put it away again. My system is below the lowest recomende from Betsheda for running Oblivion. I still installed it and played it for a long while. But as I go along, and more and more data is needed by the system, I experience far to many crashes for it to be a worthwile game for now. Need MONEH!! NEED NEW PUTER!!....Oh Lord wont you buy me a ....bleh..wont happen...damn ateism :P
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Postby Kid » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:30 pm

Selavi wrote:All I know is that I had to put it away again. My system is below the lowest recomende from Betsheda for running Oblivion. I still installed it and played it for a long while. But as I go along, and more and more data is needed by the system, I experience far to many crashes for it to be a worthwile game for now. Need MONEH!! NEED NEW PUTER!!....Oh Lord wont you buy me a ....bleh..wont happen...damn ateism :P

You can always prostitute yourself.

I remember back when I was 19 and needed some money and I....eh, nevermind, forget that.
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Postby furydemon » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:00 am

Selavi wrote:And also I dislike it when you are on a quest and you get aid from other NPC's. It makes battle pretty difficult, as you tend to be hitting your brothers in arms when close combat ensues.

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Postby Selavi » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:11 am


That's just how it is like. When you get hit, you stagger a bit aswell, so crosshair is moved away from the target, hard if not impossible to _not_ slice the ear off your friend. And on top of it all, if you manage to slice your friend or shoot an arrow through his backside, he lower his guard, turn around and say "Be glad I like you this much, or else..." Putting a new meaning to the word "meatshield".
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Postby Flameforge » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:48 pm

Nice comic LOL

(geez the server is slow today...)
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Postby furydemon » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:59 pm

I've played quite a bit now & I love it - custom class (named Uber leet :P) ftw!

Not really had henchmen problems cos I've not had any friends yet :(
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Postby Zuntsu » Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:22 am

Hehe, I'm an archer specialist myself in that game too, lousy in close combat. That's why I usually just tell the friends to wait, clear the place out and get back for them. Not only do they like to jump in front of you in combat, but also blow my cover when sneaking, gah. I need those sneak attacks :)
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