I cant tell you more the Freuty already said, only wanted to share how I focus on my abilities.
I realized very fast, in younger years, that I'm no dmg dealer lol
So I focused on keeping myself from getting hit at any cost, as AC's are scarce too with what a nanomage can wear I think.
I did not use a weapon at all until very recently, when I got this ql169Flux pistol I wanted to test, and like, but still.... I'm not a dmg dealer myself, I use my pet, and charmed mobs.
Dont think you dont deal any dmg because you dont weild a weapon !
Just charm 2 mobs, get a good pet and add the dmg
Try it with hecklers, very trendy atm
Even today, when hunting in Penumbra, I find weilding a weapon is rather useless, cause..... when I'm hit twice I'm dead.Cause I'm a nanomage without hp you know........
So, I use roots, 3 pets (2 charmed ones ) and nukes.(and a flux pistol)
This can get very hectic. As you keep attacking the mob, you always have to take care on your 3rd pet, as it has a very low lvl charm, like 2 and a half minute. So I always have an eye on the pet I attack, short charm to run off and ...... adds !
This I think, (but thats just me ) is very, very powerful.
Also that I'm weak, die when attacked very fast, I can get to most places unwounded
only by using this calm nano. When I travel, (get CI first
), have my droid, charm a mob ( the long charms last 17 minutes), and explore.
The fun part is, you can have really powerful friends at your side, like Voracious Horrors, Hecklers and Rafters......
So, when you encounter a mob on your way, you still have 3 possibilities:
1) kill it 2) calm it 3) charm it to help you.
Any profesion that cant charm has not so many possibilities to choose from. I only can tell you a story about a shark I found in Adonis, that became a very good friend of mine and helped me kill some nasty fish....
I think, the crat has its very own position in teams, and not until recently, with those Insurance buffs where the crat has become more of a profession option to play, but also before sl.
Talking about missions.....
Taken away the xp buffs, calms are the way to go, at least still at lower lvl's . You, as a crat, must calm the adds, not deal dmg ! Other professions deal dmg, but not you (your pets do )
Try to picture this situation.....
You attack a mob in a mission with team, suddenly, an add comes along and attacks your doc......
A third one comes, and engie, with a massive slayer droid... attacking your tank....
and another one runs up, a real mean enforcer.......
a team member shouts "HEAL", another one"ROOTED"
Imagine it without the calms option.
Then comes the crat
Now, thinking of not being powerful to calm them all , charming the slayerdroid as backup and killing them one by one, without any hectic, and taking your time to wait while the doc comes back is not powerful.......I tell you it is, and it is alot of fun, and not boring at all.
You manage the situation by taking away all the stress you could have without using calms.
At lower lvl's, calms come in very helpful, but at higher lvl teams, dmg dealer are very powerful and rush through the missions without the need of calming abilitie anyway.But today with sl, you have Insurance Agent, and draining a 50M pool in a mission is not a problem at all.This sounds quite simple, but without IA, you'd need more time to empty it.
Same goes for any sl encounters.
And...., I dont know what an xp pool is, cause its always empty
Try to focus on your droid, at lower lvls, until you can use your highest charms and calms with implants and Composite Infuses.
I never used a weapon, just nukes, but NT's nuke.......
I'll stop boring you soon
Just forgot to mention the ever omnipresent bank access you have with the briefcase of holding..... I cant live without it anymore.
ah yes, and the speeches, agg/def, as is the perk line commanding presence....it helps too not getting hit sometimes
I stop now !
And yes I like being a crat
The only thing that counts anyway is having fun !