Lindbeck wrote:what's it like being a healer (doctor, cleric, medic or what's it called?) in Horizons ? if anyone reading this is playing one, or have some info... please enlighten me.
can i CH ?
Not playing any "healer" so to speak, but got healingspells I can use every now and then on team mates. It works very similar to AO. You target the needy and press the appropriate hotbutton for a healingspell. You can, unlike AO, set up your hotbutton to perform a variaty of actions with one push of a button, rather than pressing 1-10 different ones. One button can be used to target team member1, then cast healing, then support member1 to target mob again again. In effect this makes you able to heal a member and target mob at the same time. Pretty cool. I am not sure if CH is in the game yet, or if there ever will be one. There is however a ressurect spell, wich allows for members in a team to be back in action at once, rather than taking the long road back to the team from last save/bind spot.
Hope this answered some questions
Oh, yes almost forgot. Everyone want a healer/ressurecter in their team here just they do in AO