AO ShopLifter tool

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AO ShopLifter tool

Postby Flameforge » Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:26 am

Saw this advertised through IGN: AO ShopLifter.

Seems to use NanoNanny to help you auto-locate implant clusters when you go shopping!
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Postby Selavi » Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:25 am

WoW. Anyone tried that yet? If it works, then it would be the single most useful tool next to nanonanny when it comes Implant building.
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Postby Sidarion » Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:02 pm


hands off from that thing.

My gut tells me that this thing SERIOUSLY violates the EULA. I wouldn't wanna be caught using that tool since I don't want my account banned.

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Postby Flameforge » Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:18 pm

Well... IGN bot, Clicksaver, chat_fader, nojumpncu, AORefMaker, AODD, etc are all "naughty" because they all have some form of altering the client or involve deconstructing communications.

I suppose the thing is that they really only enhance the game interface or make the game more useful, not give you any real in-game advantages.

One has to accept the EULA every time one starts up so technically no one should be using any of these tools ;)
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