Battle of the Professions

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Battle of the Professions

Postby Volais » Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:21 pm

So whats your favorite profession? It doesnt have to be the one you have the most fun could be the one you think is the coolest, the one with the most style..hell i dunno.

Heres mine:

Favorite: Three way tie between Engie, NT, and Shade

Engie: Ever sionce SL came out, Engies have become one badass prof. They have awsome armor, awsome guns, and common, they got bots...admit it, your all secretly jealous when you see Cogs get drunk and ride around on Wheels back in nothing but his hearty undies.

And of course, they are masters of teh solo.

NT: See above. But seriously, they got the whole "Cyberfreak" look goin Plus that cyberdeck thing alone makes them one of the most badass lookin profs. Also, they are the masters of damage, area nuke, root, bind, blast, bang *goes on making explosion sounds* and BAM! that leet has experience a bit of "overkill".

Shade: Dark, evil, sneaky, and fast. The shade represents the darkest sides of AO. You cant beat draining the life of your opponents. And of course...he is completely selfish, screw the team, as long as he stays alive, thats all that counts. As far as hes concerned, the team is just there to back him up.

Least fav: This will be a surprise...but Soldier.

Why? Well...its simple. They lack any thing that sets them appart (Engies have bots, Advents have polymorphs, Shades have drains..). Sure we got TMS and some other deflection shields, but Engies still have the best sheilds IMO. They gain a few points for having the grade A military look to their weaps and armor( id love to get a pic of the Prof armor and gun). But...thats it. We arent good tanks, arent good DMGers, arent good anything. We're hardly ever wanted in groups (Hell..even I dont want them while in a group while i cant get enough of some other professions.), they are outrdamaged constantly by docs wielding Styg's. I myself am pretty damn strong for my level...and yet im still out damaged by many people of my level class. Id change my class..but...the soldier is me...I am a soldier, its my personality. Honestly, could you see me being a NT.
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Postby Jpegg » Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:01 pm

I'm not gonna write a lot cos its 5am and my head is about to fall off but.........

The two profs I play are agent and mp. MP is by far, my favourite profession ever. Clericon is holy, he has three pets, he can fly like superman and can buff one of the most sought after nano lines around. I love him to bits :)))))))))))))))))

Agent.... well... what can I say. Most professions keep one style of playing througout the levelling process... from beginning to end. Not agent. An agent is not played the same way at TL5 as he/she was at TL1. Nor is the style the same throughout. There have been huge chunks of progression where I have had to mould my style into the key aspects of other professions. These styles become obsolete as time goes on and other styles need to be adapted. Jpegg has never been the same from level to level and every agent has a different and unique style to the next. Damn, I love my agent :))))) (and tired as I am, I still wrote more than I was planning to but only cos I got carried away and I'm proud of my professions).

Agent and MP !!!!!!! Kewl !!!!!!! Be one or be noone ;)
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:15 am

Well I have really enjoyed the enforcer profession, that's why I went all the way with Flame. You just can't beat them for weapon choice (I've done 2HB, 2HE, 1HB, 1HE, piercing, 1HE/piercing, 1HB/piercing LOL). I remember on the official forums there was something about "Why you would choose enforcer": enough hitpoints to strangle an elephant and more AC than a planet (those were the old days). We've got essence, mongo, rage and challenger -- all very different and defining abilities.

But I think adventurers are probably the cutest, just with their polyforms. People love leets, (let's skip the wolf), love sabretooths, go "oooooh" at dragons, and hell that tree they have now pwns.
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Postby Volais » Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:07 am

they gotta tree now? *Jealous*

Oh...and I have no idea what i was late and i hadnt had any root beer
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Postby londino » Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:18 am

bleh volais, noooo!
We're good really, I promise. Just wait a few levels, when everybody wants RRFE for everything, and you get the hellguns or the hideously bad drop rate on the new SL uber weapons. I was only OD'd by a shade at mordeth last night.
And really, when it comes to tanking, our top end taunts are effective, and TMS just makes us teh pwnz when it comes to taking damage. With a high level doc healing me & ess/CS I have 20k hp, plenty to last the downtime of TMS, & docs love TMS almost as much as me.

and of course... a little bone for you since it appears your still low level (teaming with docs using stygians) but the new dungeon next patch drops some pretty funky assault rifles, which should put up your damage a little :D

as for a uniqueness.... how many other professions can run into the middle of a mass PVP battle, have everybody shoot them, and run out the other side :D We are the bees knees, face it!
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Postby Indefatigable » Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:33 am

Well I have tried all proffessions and pistol adv kicks everything else into touch.
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Postby Smacdevil » Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:05 pm

Please Sir, I cannot tell a lie... Fixer is my favourite profession :)

(my first char, no argument ;)
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Postby Renegader » Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:35 pm


I love my enforcer, i have enjoyed every lvl with him, from the first day at the BY :)
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Postby zynical » Sat Apr 24, 2004 8:01 pm


nuff said... i lub kerish...mmmmm tiny sexy chicks....*drool*
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Postby Sidarion » Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:11 pm


Soldier! Soldier! Soldier!

Granted, we are not huge in soloing... but if you play your cards right, you can do it... it is slow, it is dirty and it is a gamble between hoping that you do enough damage and literally counting the seconds till you go from being the HP God back to the squishy little human that you really are, once your TMS runs out.

What I love about my profession is the ability to do insaaane amounts of damage in the first three seconds of a fight with our alpha strike and the fact that every fight is a FIGHT for us... we don't have heals, we don't have evades... we frikkin duke every fight out till the bitter end... it is either us or them.. and every time we take it up with a mob, we know that we will know that only one can walk away... and more often than not, chances are evened out between us and the mob.

Hell, we know that we will get our noses bloodied, a few ribs fractured and an eye blackened... but if we manage to live through an fight, we literally TASTE victory... every single goddamn time...

THAT, my friend, is what the soldier profession is all about!

Nuff said...


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Postby Jpegg » Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:50 am

Smacdevil wrote:Please Sir, I cannot tell a lie...

lol Smac, that reminds me of skooldaze for the ZX Spectrum. Classic game :)
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Postby Samuraichan » Sun Apr 25, 2004 2:30 am

I can say without a doubt that I love the MP. What Jpegg said about having 3 pets. With our pets we can heal, mezz, and kick the crap out of stuff. Our ability to buff others as well as ourselves and to solo makes us able to advance very quickly. We don't have to spend 4 mil on a yalm because we can fly. I really don't think that I have ever not had fun playing Neut. What a profession.

For my second choice I would have to say I enjoy playing a fixer. I know that they might not be the best in SL but I love the concept and the execution of combat with the fixer. Being able to grid no matter where you are in RK is so cool. Run buffs, ncu buffs, Hots, are just great.

I still will reserve the right to judge other professions becuase I have not really played a trader, agent, or soldier.

This game roxxors.

Sam :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Postby Gearsoul » Thu Apr 29, 2004 5:48 pm

I have played, to some extent, every profession that Anarchy Online has to offer. Any of you that know me very well know this to be true, too, as I just CAN'T seem to stick to one character. I have to hop around between them all quite a bit. :mrgreen:
When I first made my account...back around the 12.0 patches...I started off with a Fixer. His story is in the RP section...but I digress. Fixers were cool. Just the CONCEPT of a Fixer is awesome. Shady acquisition, anyone? ;)
You know what, though? I don't think I've loved playing any profession more than I enjoy playing my Engineers. I had one back in the day, and even after deleting all my old character...Engineer was the one still on my mind.
I created Gearsoul solely cuz Engies are my favorite profession. We live in a sci-fi world. Engineers are the epitome(?) of that seeing as how they have massive tradeskills (at later lvl's) and walk around with a FREAKING ROBOT!!!
IMO, Engies are the ultimate soloing class. At least, on Rubi-Ka they are. And I LOVE to be able to just log in...and solo. It's nice just to be able to do that.
I would have to say that Keeper is my 2nd best choice. From around 150-201 lvl Foesmite has been able to Out-Damage just about everyone he teams with. With the exception of the uber high lvl's, of course. ;)
I'd say that a Keeper is a raiding character mostly, though. Sure, my auras come in REALLY handy in any team...but I've always got the Doc yelling at me. Stop taking aggro! Yer gonna die! OMG YER HEALTH!

Hehehehehe...sorry Twilan...couldn't help myself. :-''

Besides...the idea of a 'Knight' in AO is a cool one. :mrgreen:

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