Congratulations to Zepto

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Congratulations to Zepto

Postby Hejiro » Wed May 29, 2002 1:27 am

You may have already seen this news article (Order of Kauket Announces New President), but if not Zepto has been promoted to president of OOK. Gratz! Aside from the news, it also gives a little insight into the workings of OOK.

RKFF is even mentioned :wink:
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Postby Felicity » Wed May 29, 2002 2:42 am

Yes, I read it too. Grats to Zepto!
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Postby Zepto » Wed May 29, 2002 4:51 am

Thank you all. I hope to see many of you at the celebration party. Now that the press relations are comming close to complete I think we do need to sit back down and finish structuring our agreement between our clans and discuss what else we can do to futher assist each other. I am asuming that Felicity is now the one I should speak with?
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Postby Cogs » Wed May 29, 2002 9:46 am

A most befitting appointment! Congratulations, Zepto, old friend!

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