Party 6/29/02 6pm-9pm PST Reets Retreat
title says it all.... almost
There will be a joke contest duringthe middle hour also we will have a fantastic DJ Elektrica the leader of the solar sound productions. 200,000+ credits to the winner of the joke contest. if there is a split decision then the reward will be split as well
i want to screen the jokers so id like to have two more volunteers to help screen; ill be screening. the winner will be based on a shout level of listeners
i will post the party news on the AO calender. the last hour will be a congrats on OOK lead to Zepto with dancin' and drinkin'
the first hour will be a welcome to other guilds who want to build an alliance with us for teaming; knowledge or political strength
i will word this better on the posting. casual wear is recomended but i know how a lot of ya are twink'd into yer armor so its not a requirement. try to make yer jokes a minute or less and pre scripted to save time; i'd like to get atleast forty contestants or atleast that much room. the screening may not work out but we will call on the performers like the way we do meetings except without the 'done'
i hope everone can attend