Neverwinter Nights

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Neverwinter Nights

Postby Hejiro » Mon Jul 08, 2002 4:26 pm

Ah sweet Rubi-Ka, how I have deserted you. My soul drifts over Faerun, while the people of the dry planet suffer.

How can Nights of Neverwinter be so good? Graphic adventure, role-play, combat, plot, D&D.... just too much coolness. I *must* complete the 60 hours of single-player gameplay!!

O, and then the dilemma! How do I become the builder of Neverwinter worlds, and the dungeon master to control all, and yet still battle the Omni threat?
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Postby Coldraven » Mon Jul 08, 2002 7:09 pm

I have NWN too, tought I haven't had that much time to play it yet :(

But I will when I get the time. For teh moment I am ocupied making coldraven uber.

hehe, I jsut learned a few new tricks :)
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Postby Hejiro » Mon Jul 08, 2002 7:54 pm

Oh nice -- tricks. Do you roll over now? And play dead?? hehe, just kidding

Actually... "playing dead" is a "trick" I seem to be rather good at... except... unfortunately it's not playing... *sniff*

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Postby Felicity » Tue Jul 09, 2002 5:47 am

I have NWM aswell, and have tried it. It was pretty nice, ok graphics (a little blocky tho) and ok plot.

I have also played Dungeon Siege, wich is a similar game. I must say I like DS more, better graphics and much more addictive.

To add to that I just tried Warcraft3, and it rocks ofcourse (Blizzard, the gods of these kinds of games).

Of the three I recommend Dungeon Siege.

Cold, please share what tricks and stuff you've learned!
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Postby Coldraven » Tue Jul 09, 2002 8:55 am

Read this little nice guid for MA's

It's woth it ... adid=29770

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Postby Hejiro » Tue Jul 09, 2002 8:07 pm

Felicity... NWN has "ok plot"? hehe. The problem with Dungeon Siege was it had no plot. Ok, well it has a standard "rampage over the whole world" and talk to someone every now and again. Nor is it an RPG in the true sense.

Nevertheless, I did really enjoy playing through the game.

Neverwinter Nights is real RPG. It has a huge involving storyline, side stories, NPCs one can actually care about rather than just talk to. Plus some fighting to get the levels up.

And Warcraft, well, is another strategy. Can't comment 'coz I've not played it.[/list][/list]
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Postby Felicity » Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:39 am

Yeah, well you know us blondes.. we are very "shallow", I never dig deep in the stories of the game. If it appeals to me I play it...

I'll play through Dungeon Siege, then I'll try to play some NWM again and see.

Dungeon Siege has a plot. You just didnt see it. :)
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Postby Hejiro » Wed Jul 10, 2002 5:10 am

Well I guess the story/plot is quite important for me. I really the one in NWN and the characters (along with their development). But this probably comes from my D&D background... as I know I'm playing a D&D-based game :wink:

Looking forward to telling my own tales soon too :D
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Postby Felicity » Wed Jul 10, 2002 5:35 am

Sure, the story is important, but sometimes when I play I just do it for the mechanics in the game, or to just try it out.. The story in AO for example should have been more important. It should have played a bigger part than it did. On a game like NWM or DS it's not as important to me, since they are mostly the same..

"Evil forces rage in the lands of (put in a good fantasy name here). The kings knights have failed to fight back the evil lord Whats-his-name. However, there is one that can free the people and destroy all the evil. The one is you. You have to kill the hordes of Whats-his-name, and finally end the dark ages in our lands...."

This is basicly the essence of most of these games. There is nothing wrong in that, it's just that there isnt much variation. 8)
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Postby Hejiro » Thu Jul 11, 2002 6:47 am

tee hee :) Well I think we can agree that it's very good there are enough different games around to satisfy all gamers!
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Postby Felicity » Thu Jul 11, 2002 7:53 am

Oh, I agree to that.. The problem is that I kinda want to try them all, wich give me trouble since there is only 24 hours per day and I have work and family to attend. :roll:

SWG Beta is on the way now. They are shipping out mails to the testers in phase one. I haven't received anything yet... :(
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Postby Coldraven » Thu Jul 11, 2002 8:40 am

Don't count on phase one. What I heard wasthat only 100 players will be allowed to beta test phase one. It's a shame :(
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Postby Felicity » Thu Jul 11, 2002 10:45 am

Yes, But those 100 can expect a pretty buggy game also. Let's just hope they pick 100 serious persons to do this, not 100 uber leet doodz... :)

Maybe it's best to wait for a later beta..
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