Martial Artist: My view

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Martial Artist: My view

Postby Minero » Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:35 am

Since Im low 140ish in lvl Im hoping to update as I go on...

Skills to always keep max imo:
* Agility, Stamina, Sense, Bodydev
* Ma + brawl
* Physical Inits, evade Clsc (range, explosive and nanoresist can wait if you lvl in SL)
* Nanoskills - PM, TS, SI (when you feel you can spend some more ip go for BM - the adddam-buffs reqs that)
* Treatment

* Acrobat - every ma.s first choice - adds to evades - at lvl 140 you have 2 perkactions that gives you 1k evades.
* Xuyun (AI) - evades, hp and brawl... end of comments ;) (Also gives you a very nice selfheal perkaction)
* Careful in Battle - This is my choice bc I like do go solo dynas and such... adds to all def
* Brawler or Disharmony - If you wanna hit for as much as possible I guess you should go with theese 2. Might be a good idea to choose one. (I havent used any of theese so cant add much good info apart from what you can find on aodb or auno)
* First Aid - I actually maxed this perk (only 3 points possible at my lvl) bc of the treatmentreq symbs have. With theese I was able to equip lvl 132 requed symbs at just that lvl.
* Enahance DNA - I have a few points still in this perk... not sure if I need it but as with FA its good to have a few extra points when equiping symbs.

Lvl 1-130ish... twink or dont... doesnt mather cause you ding so fast you will outgrowe everything in 2 hours with spiders- and

Onething you should start thinking of tho is armor... as soon as you can get sense up to 300 you should go for predator-armor. I know this is a bit expensive or timeconsuming choice but you can use it for a long time. I still have my set equiped and I will not chance untill I hit tl5. The set adds 150 (if I remember correctly) to bodydev wich gives you a huge hp-boost. If you are a trox... even better. I have had just a lil bit less hp then most enf I teamed.

At lvl 115+ you might wanna start to think of ql 200 imps. At lvl 132+ you should take a good look at symbs.

Will try to add more coments later on. And since I know theres more ma.s in the guild maybe they wanna fill in. ;)

My stuff -


Posts: 110
Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:25 am

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