Now what?

Haven to discuss other worlds than that of Rubi-Ka & Hyboria.

Postby Gearsoul » Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:33 pm

Wow. I guess I got lucky. When I rejoined WoW I did it to play with Kicktopps and some RL buddies of ours.
Those RL buddies got the two of us into this REALLY killer guild. It's small atm, but the people in it are just KILLER. I mean, they remind me exactly of the mentality we had in Rollerrats and then Cerberus. Everyone is real tightknit, we all help each other out, try to do things together as much as possible, etc etc. :mrgreen:
My Priest, Lanara, is the highest lvl Priest and probably one of the only main character healers in the guild at the moment. I've got my upcoming Warrior (already lvl 46 as of today hehe). I just know the guild is going to go places on Hyjal American.
Yeah, I got sick of soloing the Priest. No way I could camp with her. So I hear yer complaints THERE, Auro. Until Hero Classes come out (maybe not even then) Priests have too much downtime after a fight and can't handle more then maybe two mobs at once. Holy Spec at least...
That's why I have my little Warrior, though. At first, I was going to do Fury up to 60...then switch to Protection to play tank. We've had so many ppl start Warrior characters, though, in the last month that I'm starting to think I won't have to. I'll just keep my Warrior the way I've got her going now...DOING MASS DMG!!!!

....sound familiar? *thinks back on Foe*

Selavi: "Foe has aggro again!"

Cogs: "How's he do that?!"

Foe: "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE die die die die...." *as he runs after the mobs*


*Welcome to Reclaim!*

Foe: "Oops...where's my heals?!"
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Postby Flameforge » Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:18 pm

Gearsoul wrote:Yeah, I got sick of soloing the Priest. No way I could camp with her. So I hear yer complaints THERE, Auro. Until Hero Classes come out (maybe not even then) Priests have too much downtime after a fight and can't handle more then maybe two mobs at once. Holy Spec at least...

Sounds normal to me...? Priests can heal themselves back up quickly but then need to recharge their mana, yeah? Wouldn't your warrior have as much downtime with needing to replenish health after fights? How many mobs would be expect to be able to solo? 8)
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Postby Gearsoul » Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:21 am

Oh my gawd, Flamee. You have NO idea.

= Priest Healer Build =

Long, drawn out fight with a mob...casting...healing...shielding (absorbs) on myself...fear the mob away so I can re-shield (cuz of cooldown timer)...cast cast...dead mob.
Okay. Sit. Pop a thing of mana regen. Wait wait wait. Pop ANOTHER thing of mana regen. Wait wait wait.
Go look for another mob.

=Warrior Dmg Build =

*run to next mob*
*run to next mob*
*pop a heal potion IF needed*
*run to next mob*
KILL MAIM...oh HELL u get the picture! :shock: my fingers are getting sore.
Guild Chat: "AFK to get a sammich!"
(and yes I still say SAMMICH!)
*goes AFK...comes back...stretches hands mobs run around aimlessly*
Okay...time to go...
Guild Chat: "Back!"
*run to mob*

And Warriors have this nifty ability called CHARGE!!!! They get within like 20 yds (meters) of a mob and they can instantly tp to a mob (via a run/charge) which generates rage (which u use to use yer skills to attack). So the running isn't even that bad.


Priest = team playah

Warrior = possible team player...but uber soloist

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Postby Flameforge » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:34 pm

Ooh okay I've tested the warrior changes now. Whoa so different - they feel a lot more powerful now and plenty of rage which was a bit slow in the past. :thumbsup:
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Postby furydemon » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:49 am

I'm finding my lock has the most challenges while my paladin or shaman are just god mode - 3 or 4 mobs 1 or 2 levels higher not a problem. Kinda useful when I need herbs tho - even a lowbie my paladin can charge around high level areas picking & just 'bubble' her way to saftey hehe 8) Cheap potions rule!
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Postby Selavi » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:53 am

Please guys. this is so OT that it isnt even funny. If youy wanna talk WoW stuff, then start a new thread about it, or continue on one already there.
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Postby Volais » Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:00 pm

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