Hope Back Soon

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Hope Back Soon

Postby DoctorLeo » Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:50 am

My isp has been messed up for almost 24 hours... I am getting 25% to 100% packet lose on all pings... So even if I do get on AO, it only lasts a few mins until shut down... I wish it would have happened next week as school starts then and time in class, grading, and preps, my play time will be reduced LOTS. So cya when (and if) I get a reliable connection back. I did have a bit of luck!! Joined an inf team.. leader asked me what heals I had... I said CR and he said, come back when you can really heal and kicked me, lol... which was fortunate as I would have lost connection during the Mish and when back online sitting in the middle of a mish all alone!! lol.. so Question... if you come back in the middle of a mish... after a long time... will the mobs have respawned???

Leo, limping back from the range..
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Postby Kid » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:58 am

I had similar issues. My ISP has won awards for best and worst ISP in ireland. Very 'hit and miss' service. I had terrible packet loss for 3 months, then they finally fixed it and I have super connection now.
-The Doc that runs away lives to die another day.
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