Where oh Where? :(

Place to hang out and talk about anything.

Postby bashment » Fri Mar 22, 2002 5:49 pm

greetings all. I recently started playing once again, and before i left was in a clan known as "The Hellfire Legion". since my return i havent seen any of my members present. i have posted to our message board with no luck either. the way i found this place was the new addition to our name "-=allus=-" at the end. i did the research and found my way here. im not sure if my squad is even active anymore so i would like to know how i can join your clan. i have 2 main characters i use. one level 22 spy, freshman in pvp. and a level 15 Martial artist, rookie in pvp. please reply back to this post. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you! :smile: -bash
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Postby Archm » Fri Mar 22, 2002 6:44 pm

I am sorry to hear that about your guild that is very unfortunate. I am General Archm and if you would like to become a member of the RKFF then I will have to interview you. So send me (Archm) a tell in the game. Tomorrow I should be on around 23:00GMT. We will get together soon.
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Postby Archm » Fri Mar 22, 2002 6:50 pm

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Postby bashment » Fri Mar 22, 2002 7:32 pm

yes it is :sad:
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Postby Archm » Fri Mar 22, 2002 8:05 pm

Hmm, So from what I gather is that no one is ever online that belongs to The Hellfire Legion guild. Is that correct? How can that be? There must be a couple of players still playing, maybe not that often but I would send tells(in game) to the President and almost every member to find out what has happened. If that fails we might have a home for you here with the RKFF. Send me a tell

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Postby Cogs » Sat Mar 23, 2002 2:44 am

Hello bashment!
Your old guild has disbanded, and has mergered with the Mercury-Dragons, led by Commander Windguard. Your old guild leader, lady Azhriaz has not been seen or heard from in at least a month, so her situation is uncertain.
Thoram has started his own new guild, just so you know. Not sure of the name though.
And welcome back to ao, friend.
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Postby Coldraven » Sat Mar 23, 2002 3:59 am

I am sorry to hear that you guild is disbanded.

But we, RKFF are alwasy looking for new members.

If you are interested in joining us, please tell archm or one of teh other advisors.

That would be, wrangeline, felicity, archm, tripe, cogs or me, coldraven.
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