New beginnings and old ghosts

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New beginnings and old ghosts

Postby Cogs » Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:49 pm

A few days ago, Commander "Caid" Nottoris, miss Jenae "Tussa" Godfray and myself rallied in Old Athens, trying to gather support for the rebuilding of a New Council of Truth. Suffice to say, events unfolded that we had not dreamed of when we set out on this march, but I can promise you they urged us to move on and carry on the work. In the wee hours of the night, miss Cathern "Vixentrox" Flowers, miss "Ailish" Nottoris, and Cmndr. Windguaerd joined us for further meetings and deliberations.
The move to rebuild the Council of Truth has started:

I will post links to pertinent info below:

The rally and subsequent happenings

Omni-Pol reacts

In the days ahead, I will search Cerberus support for the upcoming events, and I sincerely hope you will stand by us in this, my dear friends.
Silly ole bugger
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Postby Jpegg » Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:32 pm

Cogs, you have my full support and aid here. I'm on call as and when you require my skills.
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Postby Flameforge » Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:32 pm

Cogs, the news you bare is astounding, wonderful, and thrilling. We can only guess when events may lead, and let's hope for the better.

My main concern right now is for your safety, and the safety of the others with warrants. We must address some security and protection considerations.

((I'm floored. This is so cool. Like the old days!))
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Postby Quezt » Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:40 pm

As said before, I'm here to serve and protect! I will protect you, and our allies to the final breath, Sir!

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Postby Sidarion » Fri Nov 28, 2003 7:10 am

((WTF!!! I ALWAYS THOUGHT RP WAS DEAD! This is sooo cool!))

I guess, now I have to be back...

((OMG... wtg ARKs))

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Postby Volais » Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:11 pm

Cogs, as I am currently off Rubi-ka for an unknown amount of time, I cannot offer you my services in enforcing a new council of truth...but I can still offer you support. My knowlage of Rubi-kan politics will come in useful I hope. Please accept my help, its, all I can do.
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