Lockpick Newbie Quest

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Lockpick Newbie Quest

Postby trgeorge » Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:37 am

EDIT: changed name since same quest can be pulled from Graham Simons in WA at 395,345

Peter Roland is located in Borealis at 690,480. He's not exactly begger, but more of a lost soul. He can't remember what's he doing there...coming or going...and has rotten sense of humor. But humor him and pay some credits to be torchered with few jokes ( I used 100 creds, but less would probably do trick too). After runing it out of his system, he'll realize he's cold and would politely ask for QL 100 Vagabond Cloak, obteinable at any subway. Reward for bringing him one is xp and some credits (10k creds and 435k xp for 213 char...probably scaling with level). He's so glad about it (even if it's not fancy and smells a bit strange), he'll trow in QL 1 Lock Pick as bonus. Afterwards he askes if you want to hear(pay for) another joke. paying will enable you to do same quest again.

Edit: quest is level locked now
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