Surprise. Im curently here..sitting in some random Holiday Inn, in this horrible place called L.A......why cant they hold this convention other places?
Anyway, just got back from it...its around 7:30, and my ears hurt. Will I go back tomorrow? Prolly. Im getting free crap and It makes me happy.
Anyway, Ive been spending my entire time bumming around the Nintendo booth. Why none of the others? Well......because they suck. Sony has nothing interesting, ditto for Msoft. Sure they got a few nifty prerendered movies of their next consoles, But i noticed maybe two demos from both camps that was ingame. So here it impressions.
Ive seen em all up close. My impressions.
PS3- Nifty little gadget. Its got some tough guts but the thing looks like Sharper image got ahold of a George Foreman grill (Yes ive seen that one photoshopped image....I was thinking it way before I saw it though). The design is sleek, but it just seems like more of the same. And that controller? It looks like a goddang boomerang. And Ill have to agree with the thousands of forum users......women will LOVE it *Wink*.
XBOX 360- THis console has one of the dumbest names ever, and one of the dumbest looking consoles ever. Pictures dont do this thing justice....this console is really...REALLY ugly. Its like taking a steel Tower case and beating the sides with a sledge. Its got some nice stats, but the demos they showed looked like things my PC could do a year over a year ago. The controllers alright.
Revolution- Only reason I saw this one was because i pulled a few strings (Read: Offering my first born), and i was able to get into Nintendo's press conference. And i must say.....the Revolution is a sexy piece of hardware. It looks like a Flash memory card....but that thing is pretty freaking sexy. It would be the only console i would gladly sleep with. Anyway...they didnt reveal much about it, so I cant really say what its gonna be like....but if you watched the movies of those press conferences, you might have heard the cheers that came up when thay said "Every Nintendo game ever...:".....lets just say it was 10x louder. My jaw dropped and I gave a good cheer at that.
Nintendo's was the only one i could get into up..the few games Ive played.