Tier 2 Raiding?

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Postby Smacdevil » Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:08 am

From the patch notes on Test-live dimension, the Joker's Glyph is supposed to drop from Eradicus, who is the end boss in the Adonis static dungeons. Eradicus is no easy mob (for his lvl), but he exists in a lvl 155 and a lvl 200 version depending on which dungeon you enter.

I haven't tested this yet, but I suppose we just have to combine the Joker's Glyph with the Basic Jobe head/shoulder/back items to upgrade them to Advanced Jobe (ql 160). At which point one can use the same process as for normal pieces to upgrade to Tier2. :)
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Postby Cogs » Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:34 am

Yeah, this sounds very plausible. Expect 10000 people to be at that mob simoultaneously when the patch has hit live.......
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Postby zynical » Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:18 am

Ive actually been down there and got myself a few of the ingredients..

the place is not that bad actually (penumbra)

team setup was

1. Enforcer
2. Martial artist (guess who)
3. Soldier
4. Meta
5. Agent (fp doc)
6. Adventurer

And we didnt have any problems at all.
The mobs had HUGE amounts of hp's thoo
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Postby Smacdevil » Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:42 am

I guess we should get out gimpy tier1 atheth into gear then :D
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Postby Freuty » Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:31 am

Well, just gimme a /tell if u r going, cos u never know I might get an amulet too ;)

I'm sure Cerbs could come up with a team setup like that no probs... ?
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Postby Auropia » Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:23 am

Ive done it with even less people...the trick is to have a mp for AOE bosses and a really good crat calmer..and a Doc to heal...and your set..rest is for pure dmg really
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Postby Gearsoul » Sat Jan 24, 2004 9:01 am

Count me in! OMG I want my Tier 2!!!


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Postby londino » Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:56 pm

if your going to adonis catacombs, the walls LOS is a real problem. basically, if your in a hallway, anything on your minimap will be aggrod & come to you. the only way to do it is to pull mobs into a dead end with nothing near it (ie the start) or use the stairways & pull into there.
the mobs in adonis catacombs are lots easier than those in penumbra. theres much less HP on the adonis ones, & they hit for a bit less. if your after tier 2, & have a good team though, penumbra might be the way to gi to try & kill everything, just because pulling is so much more reliable there. if one team can handle adonis catacombs, then you'll likely be able to handle penumbra catacombs aswell just because you'll only be fighting one mob at a time :)

fyi, in adonis catacombs last night we had myself, madspin, caid, ryons, ailish (fp doc). we could take on one mob at a time very easily, we took 4 at one point. one boss mob & one add had us though unfortunately. in penumbra a similar team managed to kill quite successfuly with no doc (think we had MA), but only because me & madspin were able to bounce aggro through TMS. if you have 2 soldiers to do this with, i'd highly recomend this, as it's very hard for a doc using pre SL heals to keep up with the damage these things churn out without using CH. bring an MP for mezz pet to slow it down or someone to chain cast layers & you may have more success.
btw, feel free to ask me to come help aswell. i've got a few pieces to make my chest part, but i still need parts.
good luck :)
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Postby Sidarion » Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:53 am


I want to have an advanced Jobe helmet.... droooool!

Count me in!
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Postby Ordoz » Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:05 am

yo, count me in 2 :D if u still doing tier2 raids ;)

I can calm ;)
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