BigSwede wrote:Is too late to come now with player housing, years from launch.... I'm sure they will claim another 29:95 from everyone from this "patch"
I agree with you! But haven't we all learned something?
Never ever trust Dev chats... this is spin-doctoring in its purest form. Nothing more. Then again, I do like the graphics of SL, as borked as the game might be. Fact is, it IS slowly getting better.
I still am amazed that the new engine FC implemented for SL didn't crash once like the one they had in the very early days of AO.
Then again, looking at AI:
We all know that they'll charge us another 29.95 for the boxed version, probably even hike the monthly charges up another Euro/Dollar a month for their effort of having produced a third Expansion pack,
And of course, everybody of us who cherishes the game for the fun we get from it, for the people we have met here, will buy the new Expansion pack AND fork over another buck a month...
And of course, SL will still be borky then.
And of course, AI will be far from ready upon launch. It will be so broken that we will wail and gnash our teeth in wistful remembrance of our quaint Rubi Ka apartments, bleak as they might have been. The aliens will be so ridiculously overpowered at first that soloing a Penumbra heckler will seem as a walk in the park in comparison...
But we still be around, simply because there is no current comparable title on the market at the moment. There simply IS no other Sci-Fi themed game on the market, that is as evolved as AO. Period.
Since we all are already hopefully lost in this game, having spent so much time and effort in this game, and continuing to do so every single day, we might as well look forward to the fate that will await us sometime at the end of this year to next spring (which is the translation for PR-Speak of the word "This summer!!!oneone!!")
I for one like the game, yes. I still find myself pausing and gawping at the game world quite often. It simply never gets old. But the real reason behind keeping on playing AO is just you guys. Lets remember that and get ready for some collective groaning, whining, "NERF" screaming and crashing when the AI will hit the markets.