very nice pics. funny to see how some of you actually looks like the char you play i really regret i didnt go. i could atleast have showed you that Cerbs isnt just an org with men in there midlifecrisis glad you guys had fun and i hope it can be repeated sometime in the future. i will for sure join you then, if i it doesnt crash with any of my many exams i must have the next couple of years
Man, I wish I could have been there with you guys. Would have been fun to get drunk with a buncha 'strangers'. Hah! ^_^
And you two aren't as firm as the sands of time or whatever there, Cogs. You're both hard as petrified wood! Hehehe.
Hey! Nothing wrong with being 'folically challenged'! I'll have you know I shave my head military style! And I've been told I look okay...sorta...kinda. Just a FEW scars that show through.