Thanks everyone for all of your kind words, blessings...packing is just the
WORST thing I have ever known
but it is going well.
A few personal messages
Addice: If you really wanna squat with Jane and me for awhile, I'm sure she could find you a job in Atlanta...don't know how you could possibly bare to leave Jersey tho *laughs*
Volais:So so sweet for you to put your party on hold bc of my move...I promise to be back ASAP
and yesh it will be fun to have a sip of wine and make fun of JP
Sid:Keep me informed about it at the Atlanta convention center? I'm sure I have friends in Philly that would wanna visit for that as well:)
Gear/Froots:Yesh I will hook my baby up pronto or use my mom's crappy...uhmmm...uber slow, sad lil comp. sleep in a box and use my kitty as a pillow, who needs furniture...
Stilly:Well thats kinda funny sweets bc I thought you were moving here
Rene:Miss joo too!!!
Schuy:*HUGE HUGGGGGLES and a lil' pinch
Sam: Sam, from south GA...really??where? I'm looking forward to spending some time at my dad's beach house on St. Simon's Island this summer...I'm sure you know where that is..
Cogs: Not really sure what Volais meant but I think you should just forget the dog and stick with JP
**what a kind guild with encouraging words** ty!!
Frootsy!! How is your Doc coming along?? and
Meenie, say hi to Mrs Blue for me