Nifty tool for Implants/Cluster Shopping - AO Shoplifter!

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Nifty tool for Implants/Cluster Shopping - AO Shoplifter!

Postby Fasteel » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:32 am

We all hate it. Cluster shopping. Spending hours pouring through shops filled with clusters, and that last one is always 1 or 2 QL to low.

There may be a solution. I've been playing around with AO Shoplifter. You can find the main site at It can import data from nanonanny, then you simply open up the shop window, and it lists the clusters you need that are in that shop term.

The original version was ok, but it has some problems. Mainly that Nano Nanny's files are a bit out of date, and have some spelling errors. This seems to be mostly fixed with a newer version of the tool. AO Shoplifter 2.0, which can be found at, replaces a lot of the functions Nano Nanny had. It's beta, as you'll see on the forum, but it seems to be working fairly well. Check it out the next time you go cluster hunting. The download will likely be worth your time.
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Postby Khalem » Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:04 pm

Remember its still beta ;)

Works great though. Saved me a lot of time on my last two implant sets.
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