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Postby Hejiro » Sun Jul 14, 2002 8:08 am

I saw something odd today. I was sitting around in Old Athens, comtemplating life, as you do, when along trotted a group of very similar looking girls. They had same clothing, same buffs, same faces. "Attack of the Clones", I thought. But who can tell? Here they are: (check out their full names too :o )

The Celle Collective
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Postby Hejiro » Sun Jul 14, 2002 8:14 am

Actually, can I steal this topic to also ask what the heck those "spy camera / light" things are that everyone has floating by their heads? Seem to be the latest craze..
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Postby Coldraven » Sun Jul 14, 2002 1:41 pm

The light is a floating torch. It's been in the game since it staretd out. You can get it in any shop :)

The other is a wen-wen ;D
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Postby Felicity » Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:45 pm

Yes, I've heard about the celle collective before.. strange people.. All MA's too...
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Postby Hejiro » Sun Jul 14, 2002 4:27 pm

Coldraven, I know what one of those floating torch/light things looks like, but this other device I'm seeing is different.

It's less circular and I don't think puts off any light.

So what is a "wen-wen"??
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Postby Coldraven » Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:39 am

a wen wen is supposed to be a guard thing of some sort, but it dosn't work yet as it is intended. People are just using it for fun. You can only find it in a mission.

I am sure the other thing you are thinking of is the wen-wen.
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Postby Hejiro » Mon Jul 15, 2002 4:16 pm

Yeah, I think it must be the wen-wens.
They are the latest fashion along-side the shoulderpads from Dodga's quest.
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Postby Felicity » Tue Jul 16, 2002 1:29 am

They are supposed to work like an offhand automatic weapon that send out some kind of nano based missile, or cloud to the opponent. Haven't seen them in action yet..
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