The Cerberus Awards

Place to hang out and talk about anything.

Postby keho » Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:58 pm

Could we have a "best idler" also?
Nominating myself there :D
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Location: Oslo, Norway

Postby furydemon » Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:11 pm

ooo hard choice between you & rene there... :P
[The Cyb0r Pope Jpegg] That's Mr Bitch to you...
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Postby Nusse » Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:49 pm

We'll have some more stuff on this late August, with a separate forum where you can vote and see the nominations. For now you'll all just have to wait and see :)
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Postby Wirecutter » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:41 am

Kicktopps wrote:Just some thoughts:

Most levels gained in a 24hr period
Highest XP/SK pool
Worst Dressed (I.E. Buildmen in a white Thong... I have pictures :oops: )

Well, they are just some thoughts :D

yea I can start new toon and win the most level gained if Meenie is excluded :twisted: that man never sleeps if he sets a goal to mind

When an ARK comes and help he will tell you:
"I totally understand u'r frustration"
"Is there anything else I can help you with today before I leave"
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