Whoaahh!! That really is interesting!

Place to hang out and talk about anything.

Whoaahh!! That really is interesting!

Postby Felicity » Mon Aug 12, 2002 8:35 am

Cold, I dunno from where you get your information, but todays Funcom Newsletter had something interesting in it!


When? When? Wonder if those towers will cost much...
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Postby Cogs » Mon Aug 12, 2002 9:31 am

Yes, best news to hit us in a long time!! Im afraid we will have to pay a pretty penny for them, and even if we manage to aquire one, our clan might be to small to hold on to it, lol. But, it soooo definitely adds an exciting new challenge for all of us!! :D Sorely needed, indeed.
And, yes, Coldraven, damned good intelligence work! :D

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Postby Coldraven » Mon Aug 12, 2002 12:16 pm

Told you guys it would be interesting :)

And I think it will be cheep. It's a booster pack not an expansion
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Postby Hejiro » Mon Aug 12, 2002 7:20 pm

Wow, that pic is awesome (the bloke casting the nano looks cool). Good to see they're finally progressing the conflict!, which really is the whole foundation of the story.

"I'm excited" .. even if I can't vote :wink:
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Postby Felicity » Tue Aug 13, 2002 1:29 am

I didnt mean the price for the booster pack, but the price for those towers....
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Postby Coldraven » Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:55 pm

I was watching the irc chat with Gaute last night where he talked about teh booster pack. It was realy interesting. As far as I know there will be posted a log on either the AO webpage or the AO forum. But I think they will cost a few milions :)
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Postby DocCroc » Thu Aug 15, 2002 11:09 am

Looks like things are going to be hotting up on Rubi-ka then!!!! :P Brill I cant wait! You say our guild is to small for these 'towers' and the struggle for land, but I wonder if this will mean stronger aliances with others! Hmmm I remember someone sugesting a 'super power' guild made up of many smaller guilds a while ago???
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Postby Hejiro » Thu Aug 15, 2002 4:39 pm

Ah yes, the super-guild... the brainchild of Herich. I wonder how that progressed?

I reckon RKFF might be able to set up a little mining operation in some remote corner somewhere. Techo'd be willing to put in his 1mil prize money. You never know... that might buy a shovel or something ;)
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Postby Cogs » Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:46 am

Well, according to Coldraven, it now seems we wont get to control the towers and land after all?!?!?!?! We are only to get the graphics, and not the real deal?!?!
Why then announce this, when its really just a gfx upgrade?

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Postby Felicity » Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:26 am

I think it's a misunderstanding Cogs.

The landcontrol will be launched in the Booster pack. In order to be able to BUY, USE and INTERACT with the towers presented in the press release, you will have to BUY the booster pack. However, if you DON'T buy the booster pack, you will SEE the graphics, but NOT interact with it.

Hope that clears it up.
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Postby Cogs » Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:43 am

Ahh, I see :D . Well, I will just have to shell out then!

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Postby Felicity » Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:04 am

Perhaps I will too, depends on timing. I'm still annoyed by the fact that FC haven't fixed the features announced to be in the game I bought. It's not about the money, I can live with that. It's more about principle. They announced alot of features that was supposed to be included, but never lived up to it. Now they are adding some of it along with new stuff in a pack we have to buy.

I bought the game once based on what they said it would include, now they want more money. I read a post about it with a nice simile:
Say you buy a car, when you get the car it lacks the paint job. The seller tells you they couldn't fix that before delivery, and you will get it later on. The car runs nicely without problems, but still it lacks the paint job. When you return for the paint job you are informed that in order to get the paint on the car you have to pay a fee...

It's not that I don't want booster packs, expansion pack and stuff like that. I would love to buy such things, but I'd rather have what was announced in the first place first. I wouldn't buy a radio for my car from the dealer before he put that paint on the car. Would you?

I like AO alot, no question about that. Just that it feels like I've bought something incomplete and in order to get it complete they want more money apart from the 499SEK+100SEK/month I allready paid.

We've been through this before havent we? :-?
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Postby Coldraven » Fri Aug 16, 2002 5:42 pm

Cogs: I probably made myself unclear I tried to explain hejiro what happend if you didn't buy the booster pack.

Felicity: The land control option was never announced from the beginning. There aren't many things that are lacking from what was announced.Some offcourse like guild houses etc. But they are comming.

MMORP games are expensive to mainatine and I can understand why FC is making booster and expansion packs. And FC isn't the only company. Seeveral other companys have been doign it for ages. Everquest for example got like 11 expansion packs and SWG will probably get a nice number too.
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Postby Felicity » Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:29 pm

I know all that Cold, and as I said I'm all for it, but I still wanna see the things they said should be in the game from start.

About land control:
Outposts in areas like 2ho, 4Holes and a few others were meant to be able to shift sides from the beginning, making it possible for clans to move in, take over and control these areas. That was one of the things we were told. Even if that isnt the same sort of land control as the one in the booster pack, its still some sort of land control.

Where is my paint job dewd? :)
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