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Postby Volais » Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:35 pm

Even today, three years after launch, we still have a myriad of items that have never been "solved", not even found.

From IGN's AI thing

Hmm...I wonder if this proves my theory that there is some sort of "Master Quest" in the game. I dunno..i found it interesting
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Re: Interesting

Postby trgeorge » Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:28 pm

There's a discusion on AO Knowledge....

But basicly there are loads of tradeskill items ingame, but not droping or tradeskill process broken. there small window of opurtunity for SL tradeskill items or RK/SL ones not found.
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Postby furydemon » Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:09 pm

I personally think it's a little bit of bull from Funcom - perhaps there might be one or two bits - but if I was a developer/coder & I'd made some neat item, if it hadn't been found after a year I'd make damn sure someone found it - never mind 3+ years on.

Remember the 1750 token boards? The amazing activity & exploring & shared research to 'find' where the quest was - the item dropped - etc.

I think these 'mystery items' just seems to be there to add a bit of mystery & to keep players hunting. :shock:
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Postby Nusse » Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:17 pm

With the 1750 token boards, there was more the dropping of hints from one of the devs that did it, due to the fact that people were still clueless for months after seeing it in the database.

I'm quite sure that there are some tradeskill items out there looking to be found, but I don't expect that they're useful for much.
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Postby Freuty » Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:20 pm

To me, it's a pure marketing statement, it's had the desired effect of regenerating interest in tradeskilling prior to AI release... nothing more, nothing less... but then, I'm still old n cynical ;)
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Postby furydemon » Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:20 pm

hehe exactly what I meant Nusse but am not awake enough to write properly. :lol:

The token boards needed hints & the devs hinted. Quite a lot, by the end of it. If there is anything really worthwhile not found, we'd know.
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Postby Selavi » Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:07 am

If a certain item coming up in AODB was of such a nature that people wanted it, then you can be damn sure that it was made. Most items/weapons/armor that can be made and are of no use to anyone, wouldnt make people search high and low for a way to make them. So for FC to say that a myriad of items havent been made yet, dont have to mean that some players dont know how to make them.

If I knew how to make a knife that would dish out 1-20 damage at ql200, then I wouldnt bother making it, and FC would think that this was an item nobody knew how to make. So even tho FC sais that a myriad of items are unmade, it dont mean that any good items are unmade. I am just not sure if FC is able to monitor the following scenario: Player A takes item B and puts it together with item C and gets item D. Item D suck so much that player A deletes it almost at once. So how would FC know if that item was made? It is removed from play now, isnt it? Or is there a way to trace if that item ever made it onto the gameworld (server) and then got deleted?
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Postby trgeorge » Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:50 am

I'm making some kind of chart with tradeskill proceses. Why? Some to help me remember some and some in preparation of AI, just to know how many uses for hacker tool was already known. I'm curently at #250+, leaving out multiple armor parts ( for instance CAS armor instead of CAS helm, CAS body,etc..). I wont go into implant dissasembly or assembly, diff PB assembly,etc....But if I take those into account (and "different" items as Soft pepper pistol and Majestic soft pepper pistol) it's safe to say that at least 50k tradeskill processes are ingame atm.
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Postby Nusse » Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:34 am

I'm pretty sure FC is able to log every single item made, traded and looted in AO. If not they would not be able to reimburse items. Wether or not this log is deleted after a few days or kept is another question. It'd be easy for them to tag every single item made in the game for a statistical reasons, and I see no reason why they shouldn't do that as it should be of interest when it comes to making new tradeskill items.
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