I visit the site every day, hoping for some info from Rubi-Ka, and your activities there, but alas, it has been very quiet as of late. I can only assume it has to do with a faltering interest, it used to be much better.
I would be a more frequent contributor, but as you know my play time is not what it used to be, hence I have not much to contribute, other thatn my friendship and continued support.
I was online for a while last night, and had a long conversation with Vixentrox(an old friend from CAS, Redruums guild). She and I have had heated debates on how to approach the OT problem earlier, but she has now broke with CAS, and started her own guild; "Whispers Edge".
She has done this due to a much to aggressive stance on Reds part, and wanted to adopt a more constructive approach to the OT problem.
She invited me to join their guild, but I declined, as I dont want to give up on us yet. There is still hope
My point is this: if staying with RKFF makes ppl loose interest in the game, I say you find another guild that better suits your needs. We can still retain our friendship.
I dont know, but even Cold is quiet these days
Lets have some thoughts, I cant beleive its impossible to revitalise RKFF, if interest is REALLY there!