If you own a Playstation2....

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If you own a Playstation2....

Postby BigSwede » Tue May 17, 2005 10:40 pm

You just HAVE to look at this!

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Postby Auro » Tue May 17, 2005 10:43 pm


Me wants,or more like it Detroxx wants,ill be paying for it :p

men and theire toys ;) gotta keep em happy :mrgreen:
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Postby Flameforge » Tue May 17, 2005 11:41 pm

PS3.... and the Xbox360 and the Nintendo thing and the other Nintendo thing. Check out IGN.com for pics and video teasers. Uber. There's gonna be lots of spending this next year and a half.
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Postby BigSwede » Wed May 18, 2005 12:10 am

Problem with the ps3 is that I'll probably want to get dual 42 inch plasma screens with HD support aswell.... sheesh.. And to fit them at home... I'll need a new living room... To get THAT I'm gonna have to move to a bigger house!

Damn you Sony!!! :mrgreen:
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Postby furydemon » Wed May 18, 2005 1:25 am

Yup swede - thats the first thing I realised...

The horrible part is that in our house we always need 2 playstations, or we fight over who gets to use it when 2 good games come out at the same time :P
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Postby BigSwede » Wed May 18, 2005 2:46 am

In our house we only have one PS2, when we disagree over what game to play we battle it out in a Tekken Tag Tournament :mrgreen:

Backdraw is that Max (my son) beats the crap out of me every damn time! :shock: Is time to change the battle-over-wich-game-to-play game.... hmmm.. Gotta find a game I play better than him..... SSX perhaps, I allways outrun him because he' allways trying to do those fancy tricks, moahaaha :mrgreen:
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Postby Jpegg » Wed May 18, 2005 4:01 am

Tekken Tag !!!!

Imagine my joy when I met a girl who plays Tekken better than I can. Lia and her martial arts interests :p

*sigh* more spending then it seems for home entertainment :shock:

Anyone would think none of us have a life ;)

*edit* she cant really play better than me (cos noone in the whole world can :p), just thought I'd butter her up a lil ;)
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Postby Jpegg » Wed May 18, 2005 4:22 am

Off topic a sec...

Does anyone know when GTA San Andreas comes out for PC in UK?
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Postby BigSwede » Wed May 18, 2005 4:26 am

Will it be released for PC at all? I'm still having loads of fun in Vite City from time to time. Got a mod for it that alters all the cars to "real" ones. I love driving the motorcycles around, jumping the rooftops and all. Great fun!
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Postby Jpegg » Wed May 18, 2005 7:53 am

hehe... I tend to play it just for stunts n stuff too. I like killing as many ppl as possible, getting the FBI on me and trying to survive as long as possible. There's a great little ramp as you come down the road from the mansion which let's you jump over the water. There's also one on the other side too outside the police station. Sad as it is, I can jump over that ramp all day long with the FBI after me ;)

It's a fantastic game.

As far as San Andreas goes.... *shudder* at the thought of it never being released for PC :(
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Postby Flameforge » Wed May 18, 2005 2:30 pm

San Andreas for PC is coming to Oz in mid-to-late June :D I'm not convinced I want to get it though because my friend got it on PS2 and tells me there is TOO MUCH to do. Body building, girlfriend charming, aeroplane/bike/boat/car training... all alongside the whole mission story arc.
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Postby BigSwede » Wed May 18, 2005 11:44 pm

I'm actually just interested in the driving part of the game.. I'll probably end up downloading a saved complete game just to be able to explore and drive allthe cars and stuff.

Vice city gave us motorcycles, helicopters and even a plane to fly, what will San Andreas bring in terms of new stuff? Anyone been playing it on PS2 who can tell?
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Postby Volais » Thu May 19, 2005 3:10 pm

That controller makes me a sad panda.

Oh...by the way..guess where I am.
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Postby Syriii » Fri May 20, 2005 4:30 am

PS3 looks great, bet it's gonna create a large burning hole in a lot of wallets though :D

However, I think Microsoft should have waited a LOT longer to release another XBOX, cos as much as I hate the XBOX it's only just now coming into it's own, and has a lot more potential which will be completely wasted on release of the XBOX 2, typical attitude there from MS (Let's release something that completely negates all the good stuff and potential that was available for our previous product :roll: ) :roll: :roll:

Yep, San Andreas is being released on PC. Sometime this summer I believe in the UK.

@ JP, omgz, Lia likes Tekken Tag too? Lol, dude you must be in heaven (again ;p) *grins*

I didn't think there WAS such a thing as a girl who loved AO and Tekken both :wink: *trawls the net looking* NOT lol :P
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Postby Jpegg » Fri May 20, 2005 5:58 am

hehe, aye, Lia likes games and martial arts. Scary havin a girlie with Japanese weapons hanging on the walls at home :p

Syriii wrote:*trawls the net looking* NOT lol :P

haha... had to throw the 'NOT' on the end, you online stalker you ;)
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