Star Wars flaw?

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Star Wars flaw?

Postby Jpegg » Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:27 am

Yes I know, I think too much but I have to. Star Wars was my whole life when I was a kiddie, I even got my old toys. I still have my Falcon (albeit the little string snapped on the training ball thingie), I still got my ATST and the button to move its legs still works, my ATAT, even got the hoth base, the one with all the buttons to make various bits explode n stufz ;)

So.... I need to get this off my chest cos I've thought things through since episide one arrived and I tell you now, George Lucas should be hung, drawn and friggin quartered for his crimes against childhood dreams, fans aplenty and humanity itself.

Among all the little stupid bits like mideclorians or however they're spelled (wtf did he introduce these for??????) The force was the force. It was just the force. Noone had anything in their blood or .... I mean wtf????

*gets back on track cos I'm off on a tangent here*

My main reason for posting is to ask for an explanation from another Star Wars fan who doesnt see the whole story fall to pieces before his/her very eyes as a result of the flawed Episodes 1, 2 and 3.

I'll explain.............

Episode 4 saw C3PO and R2D2 arrive with Luke. The droids explained that they'd seen a little of the rebellion but not much action and so on....

Then..... we'll skip a little and go straight into Ben Kenobi's home.....

lol.... Luke explains to Ben about R2.... 'he claims to be the property of an Obi Wan Kenobi'

Ben scratches his ass and head and says 'strange, I dont remember ever owning a droid'

Do droids lose their memories too?????

Wouldnt you think CP3O would open his mouth and say 'hey, I remember you, we spent three friggin movies joined at the hip with you battling the Sith... oh and hey... Skywalker... hmmm... a little boy with that name actually built me !!!! We stayed with him for ages and he turned into a baddie. You remember him Obi Wan, Anakin Skywalker was his name. Luke, what an uncanny coincidence, is he a relation of yours????'

I'm sorry but am I missing something?

Now I could go on and on and on about the story here but that one above is just one of the things which made me think 'absolute s**t, Mr Lucas... did you even sit at home and think this through before you started to throw a drug smuggling wookie into a prequel and make him into being Yodas best mate?????'
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Postby Quezt » Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:44 am

In Episode IV, when the droids arrive at Luke's place, uncle Owen asks Luke to take the droids to err... some town I dont remember the name of and have their memories erased, R2D2 and C3PO might have had that done to them a few times... R2D2 remembers Obi-Wan tho, so perhaps some bits and pieces survives the erase? I'm no droid brain-eraser expert so hard to tell :?
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Postby Jpegg » Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:24 am

I know and Ive thught about all of this. Even the end of episide 3 has their memories erased but it's speculation and movies shouldnt be open to those kind of gaps. R2 claimed to be the property of Obi Wan. Memory? Ben Kenobi's lived the most boring of boring lives in an underground dwelling, no sex, no intetnet, no mates. Even at 70 years old, you'd think he'd remember the good times and remember the two only robots in his life of action.

I think George really needed to leave the two robots and the wookie out of the first episodes because in trying to link familiarity to the oldest fans as well as bringing the fun aspect to the new fans has shook the foundations of what started out as a superb, flawless story :(
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Postby Jpegg » Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:29 am

Gaupa wrote:I'm no droid brain-eraser expert so hard to tell :?

lol... well I graduated in droid brain erasing university and I reckon once it's erased, they cant remember who they are, they cant remember anything ;)

So C3PO wouldnt even remember R2 and vice versa. All very strange is Mr Lucas's plot
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Postby Quezt » Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:56 am

Well, perhaps C3PO's memory was erased at some time, but R2D2's wasnt. R2D2 isnt really the "chatty type" so he could have known all the stuff you mentioned but just didnt tell anyone. They might not even have known eachother that well, but just meet at Leia's spaceship, "fate" might have brought them together... err... never mind the "fate" thing, the FORCE might have brought them together :D
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Postby Gearsoul » Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:17 pm

Droids are supposed to regularly get their memory purged in the Star Wars universe. If you bought any of the billion books about the movies you would realize this.

Nyeh! :P

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Postby Jpegg » Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:00 pm

How can he claim to be the property of Obi Wan with no memory of him?

And how come Obi Wan didnt remember them?
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Postby Flameforge » Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:06 pm

I have to agree that keeping familiar characters and the need to "explain" the Force really made some of the story shakey.

Another droid idea... C3PO is quite submissive so he would go along with any memory wipe whereas R2D2 was pretty cheeky and probably stashed away some data in a protected storage that a wipe couldn't get to!
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Postby Flameforge » Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:07 pm

Also, Obi-Wan lost his marbles from too much Tatooine sun-baking and Tuskan raider gaffe knocks to the head. :P
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Postby Jpegg » Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:28 pm

Aye, all I can say is George Lucas only had an outline as to how his story was going to go before Episode 4. All the details were never planned and he made 3 prequel movies based on marketing, merchandise and hopeful box office ratings, for an audience which had completely changed to what it had been decades ago.

I suppose us fans see it differently because we were the ones being entertained. George Lucas could not have had the same feelings about the themes and the storyline as us because he created it. No entertainment can come from creating something because it isnt shown to you as a finshed product without any knowledge of the work involved.

It's a shame really because if the new movies were made for the same audience the orginals had and in the same way, without having to explain the obvious things (such as the force) to younger, less understanding ppl, I would have had more respect for Mr Lucas.

I personally feel that each and every hardened, traditional Star Wars fan out there has some form of splnter lodged in their hearts as a result of the new movies, whether they care to admit it or not ;)
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Postby LilBurst » Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:49 pm

Ya notice from all the movies that R2 gets to hang out with the jedis and do all the secret agenty stuff while C3P0 just waddles around acting like a dumbass...R2...and Obi Wan (in the first movie) know how to keep their traps shut to keep a secret a secret...they had to wipe 3P0s memory because he's a moron :D

This kinda reminds me of Star Trek and how they ruined the continuity with that silly Enterprise show
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Postby Sorroe » Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:22 am

I didn't even catch that part JP, but I do remember in RoTJ that Luke asks Leia about her mother and she has a memory of her. That bugged me.
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Postby trgeorge » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:05 am

Dunno why do you complain Jp? Lucas sold out SW even at begining. First movie (or episode 4) originally ended with Luke's death.
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Postby Jpegg » Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:17 am

Sorroe wrote:I didn't even catch that part JP, but I do remember in RoTJ that Luke asks Leia about her mother and she has a memory of her. That bugged me.

Yes, he did ask her. Damned good point, sweetie :)

Tr... I'm not sure I understand why you tell me not to complain and then add more to the complaint lol. Lub j00 ;)

Nope, all I'm doin here, is bringing up things that most probably every hardened Star Wars fan feels deep down. I have never discussed my feelings with anyone regarding these movies so thought I'd bring it up.

Of course I'm complaining, you shouldnt be asking why..... tell me... how many times would you punch Jar Jar Binks in the face the moment he started talking to you first thing in the morning? ;) He's the kind of annoying little turd even tho most placid of folks could smack for a full week without getting tired and was unnecessary comedy value for the movies... another example of cash over quality.

Well thanks guys, I'm glad we all had this little chat cos I finally got it off my chest :)

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