Unfortunatley, due to family commitments, it is hard for me to be online as much as I would desire these days! I have my 10 year old son with me, and as Im sure most of you will understand, this takes up most of my daytime hours. I wouldnt have it any other way, just so you know!

I have been told that certain people are not happy with this. All I can say, is that if you have a problem with it, talk to me directly, instead of going thru other channels.
For those of you that are able to play as usual, you should consider our bases as a top priority during the low gas periods. Especially our Newland Desert base is a target, coveted by a few Omni orgs, especially First Order and Omni Pol.
For those of you without Notum Wars pack, you can access NL Desert base by taking whompah from Newland City into Newland Desert. From there you go North East on foot, a short run, and you wil be on base.
Those with the NW pack can grid there from bottom lvl of grid, use the teleporter called Exit to Controller.
I follow events as best I can, and you can usually find me online every evening from 23 gmt+1 --->0300 am.