Why I havnt been online...

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Why I havnt been online...

Postby Quezt » Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:30 pm

Well, as you all might have noticed I've had a few techinal diffucalties with my computer... it seem that my computer hate AO, and crash about everytime I log in... To maintain my sanity I'm not gonna go online untilll I've fixed this problem... I'm gonna try out everything there is to try out and gonna find a way for my computer to love AO as much as I do :D

And yes... my shaving/haircutting before 220 deal has... well, due to my computer issues it's all gone to .... ****.... so I owe the guildbank about 100M...

Love ya guys! Cya around when my computer acts normally...
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Postby Flameforge » Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:00 pm

Good luck! :)
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