Promising patch notes on Test!

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Postby Flameforge » Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:55 pm

It always makes me wonder just how much bubblegum and duct tape holds AO's code together.
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Postby MissCarmen » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:00 pm

Well that is why there is a testserver and that is where the patch is right now...
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Postby Flameforge » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:05 pm

MissCarmen wrote:Well that is why there is a testserver and that is where the patch is right now...

Was that in reply to me? :p I was just making that comment because so often it seems a few changes are made but then all sorts of other unintended things are affected.

But it's good there are people willing to test the patches thoroughly!
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Postby Cogs » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:07 pm

Those of us having played since day 1, are only too familiar with the "bubblegum and duct tape" style, right Flame :)

Test server is all well and good, dont get me wrong......the problem doesnt lie there.......it lies in the initial code. Something tells me AO is not very modulated at all......and not very friendly when it comes to changes.
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Postby Jasper2002 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:35 pm

Although there are a lot of great changes for a lot of issues and unloved professions (NT's :)) in this patch there is nothing to say that all of it will reach the live server. FC have made a massive change and there will be issues.

This is the first look at the version 16.0.0 patches and the concept is good, as it shows that FC have listened, and have done something to address a number of issues.

We are all looking at this from the point of view of 'How much can FC break it this time', when we should be looking at it from the point of view of 'Great concept, lets see how they can make it work best for live'

Personally I think FC deserve a thumbs up for this, and we should stop disclaiming the patch as faulty and broken even before it is announced for official release.
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Postby MissCarmen » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:54 am

I agree Jasper, there have never been such a bug patch, and from what I got informed on we will get about 5-10 additions before we hit live.

There is always a chance ofcourse some of these changes doesn't hit live due to them been poor in design or just not working.

Already on test, there is lots of changes not mentioned in the notes...

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Postby Cogs » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:54 am

I remember when I still had the fanboi outlook on AO and other mmorpgs.
Unfortunately, time has tought me a more cynical approach when it comes to this type software :)

Bear in mind, Im not dissing the patch or test-live in any way, if you read my post Im talking about the general code. This applies to AO, and most all other mmorpgs, altho some are more structured than others.

Personally, I sincerely hope the patch will be fantastic, and bring about great things for all :) Im sure it will.
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Postby furydemon » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:01 am

Mawerick wrote:As it is, self-only perks and medkits/stims/coils are resisted by you 100% of the time, and pets refuse to follow on every single zone.

Still want it now? :)

I dunno I remember the 'perk patch' - that was SO much fun to play till they rolled it back... :roll:

MA perk evades - oh squished in 1 hit

Crat perks - oh I got 1SK - team We got 2000000000 SK

etc etc
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Postby Nusse » Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:09 am

Every single MMORPG has got more bugs than features, even with a game like WoW that has got at least 10x more developers compared to AO, releases buggy patches that break things that were already working. It's just how things work given the complex nature of making a game over several years and upgrading the same game with more and more content. Work on AO was started close to 10 years ago and very few of those that wrote the original code (for launch) work there now, which probably makes it a bit of a challenge to find out what some routines actually do :)
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Postby furydemon » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:14 am

yup but since my main char has gone from crowd controling damage dealer to just XP pole now - since I'm 220 its a bit less fun.

I'm so glad NTs get some love with that new calm - I'm just sad it's apparently put crats third in the CC stakes behind traders then NTs.

I'm enjoying Blizzards workstyle at the moment - sure there's bugs, but they seem to have the cash & resources to fix them. Their idea of content patches aint small - considering how small AI was, I'd say the patches we've had already are a good 2 or 3 AO expansions. The advantages of more cash flowing through I guess.

Different taste for different people tho I guess - I do miss some aspects of AO - twinking!
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Postby Syriii » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:45 am

Hell yeah Demon, nothing better than a good session of working out some decent twinking, and then finding out you miscalculated and are missing one point :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Really enjoy AO's twinking system, miss it alot in WoW. Not that I've played a MMO more than 10 mins lately, been more into offline games recently. Hoping I'll get back into the MMO "bug" soon though :)
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Postby furydemon » Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:23 am

Well, reading about the next crat 'nerf' (upping the spec requirements for charms (a nano usable at 90 now needs spec 3), reduced time on the high end charm) has made me wonder about funcom even wanting that prof in the game... :roll:

After the perma charm 'bug' fix, the 220 robot thats really a charm (and please hope he doesnt die/disappear when warping/get charmed cos you can't cast another one for 30 mins cos of that hostile nano in your NCU*), the nerfing of our CC at AI, the lack of any crowd control now compared to trader/NT & now lowbie crats won't be able to use charms for their level.... But hey - they have an XP line so they can still get teams, right?

I do miss twinking - so I've now started a WoW level 20 pvp mage 'twink' - I'm gonna wake WoW up to what twinking means :wink:

* as someone else eloquently put it - wonder what advies/soldiers would say if they see "You hit with FA for 0 bullets, your weapon is jammed and cant be used for 30 minutes" .
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Postby MissCarmen » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:14 am

Patch is just on test, doesn't mean it will hit live as is.
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Postby Jasper2002 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:08 am

The patch notes as they stand are set to hit live in 2 to 3 weeks though, so if all goes to plan then it will hit live very soon.

Check the official forum for details and continued discussion on the various aspects of this.
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Postby MissCarmen » Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:12 pm

Of course we will have 16.0 on live in 2-3 weeks. Still it doesn't mean that everything that is currently in the patchnotes will move to live. There will most likely be things in the live patch that won't be on test at all.

The content of the preliminary notes is subject to change and may not always reflect everything that will make it into the finished patch
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